I took out the hidden razor and start cutting myself.

I cut my arms and try to go as deep as possible.

I don't really feel the pain since I've been doing the same thing for the past years.

When I cut myself I feel relieved and feel like all of my problems have gone away.

I watch as my blood ran down and feel like it's enough cuts, for today.

I added at least seven new cuts on to my right arm and four on my left.

After finishing what I have done, I start cleaning the cink of the bathroom because my blood is all over it and on the floor.

Time skipped

It is now 9am, and I have nothing to do.

I already ate an orange, since I woke up.

I've also had the time to clean the entire house since Arabelle and Chad are coming tomorrow, anytime.

Time skipped: 3 hours later

I head to the basement and start doing my math homework that I don't understand.

I have a lot of math homework.

I'm pretty sure my math teacher hates our class since he only gives a lot of homeworks to the classes he hates.

That's not even fair.

I have a whole document of 19 pages to complete before Monday.

The teacher really hates my class.

It's not like I don't hate it too but the problem is that he gives a lot of homework to every students in the classes he hates.

I don't even know anything about algebra.

Yup, that's what the document is all about.

What can I do? It's not really my fault if I accidentally slept during his lesson on algebra.

I tried to do as much of what I can understand wich is barely nothing.

It has been now 2 hours that I have tried to complete the document.

I only finished 5 pages till now and the worst part is that I don't even know what I wrote myself.

I defenetly give up.

Since I don't have a lot of painkillers left and I'm missing some ointments and other stuffs, I'll just go right now to the pharmacy and get them.

You never know it'll be less risky now than when my parents are home, wich I always had to sneak out and sometimes when I get caught outside when I'm not a loud, I always get beaten up.

I take some of the little money I kept and get out of the house.

I make sure to keep my distance from others and try not to limp or fall.

After half an hour of me walking, I arrive at the pharmacy.

I get all I need and get out of the pharmacy.

After 10 minutes of me walking like a tortoise, I feel someone taking my bag that contains all of what I bought from the pharmacy.

I look behind me and see a theif running away with my things.

"Hey get back here!" I shout at the theif, wich didn't really help cause he just continued running.

I can't believe, I just got some medicines and they got stolen right away.

I can't run or else the pain will hurt so much that I won't even be able to walk anymore.

I thought to myself to let the theif go, anyways he was a fast runner.

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