Chapter VII

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The next day we left, and I was counting down the hours of when I was going to leave Kili, I felt bad as he had no idea. We had left the ponies at Rivendell but I bought my Pegasus, we were grounded the whole walk as it was too windy to fly and besides Kili wanted me to stay with him.

They had to borrow some Gypsy Vanner Horses while, Kili rode on the back with me, his hands around my waist and his head buried in my back, as I allowed him to wear my quiver, Gandalf galloped up next to me, frightening my Pegasus a little, who neighed and shied to the side.

"You know the Kings adviser of Esgaroth, is growing impatient he wants you to come to the city soon, and he said regardless of what quest you're on now, he would like you to abandon it and come to help him" Gandalf told me.

I looked at the Dwarves in front of me and Kili behind me. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing Kili, nothing" I sighed.

"You tell him, I go as far as the mountain and then I will go to help Esgaroth" I told him.

"You said that 2 weeks and they were expecting you" he reminded me.

"Fili!" I called.

"Yes" he replied turning his horse around.

"Take your brother, I have something to discuss with Gandalf, and it's not fit for him" I explained. So Kili dismounted and he gave me my quiver back with a questioning look. "I am sorry but you need to go with your brother" I said turning my Pegasus around, with Gandalf following.

"You're abandoning us!" he yelled. "I can't believe I gave you my love" he added.

"Kili stop!" his brother ordered.

"If you're going to abandon us, don't bother coming back!" he bellowed.

Gandalf and I galloped away from the company, we stopped by a wood. "The reason I haven't been back, is because..." he cut me off.

"You're in love, I know but you're going to have to part Esgaroth needs you far more than Kili does and I am pretty sure he just threw you out of the company, so no you don't go as far as the mountain anymore, you fly straight to Esgaroth." he instructed me.

"No, you give my Pegasus to Kili, he needs him more than I do, as the King will only want him" I said dismounting and sliding my sword out of the scabbard in the saddle bag and put it in the scabbard around my waist.

"No be a good boy and follow Gandalf, please take care of Kili" I told my Pegasus kissing his muzzle and then pushing him towards Gandalf, then I strapped my helmet on and began to walk, but my Pegasus neighed in detest.

I threw him one last golden apple which he caught and then followed Gandalf, I walked all the way to Esgaroth, I rested my hand on the handle of my blade, it took me almost all day to get to my destination, which I arrived at nightfall. It was quiet, but the few people who were there only stared at me no one dared to challenge me.

The one place I headed to before the King was the tavern, I needed a good drink after my trek, the man behind the bar refused to serve me because I was a mercenary and associated with the Dwarves, and I wasn't welcome.

"So that problem you're having with trolls, you want me to allow it to continue do you?" I quizzed them.

"No of course we don't" One man exclaimed, he was dressed all in black, he gingerly walked over to me. "I am Alfrid" he said about to kiss my hand, but I snatched it away.

"Ohl the Kings right hand man" I replied, playing with the jade wolf necklace around my neck which Kili had carved for me in Rivendell.

"That's me, perhaps I could show you to the palace" he suggested.

"Sure" I replied.

So we made our way to the palace with people beginning to come out of their homes to stare at me, we walked up the palace steps and I heard Kilis voice. "Stop playing with your necklace, it just shows your nervous", I turned around but he wasn't there. It was just a memory and I immediately stopped playing with my necklace. I walked in and there sat the King, I bowed and then his assistant stood next to him.

I removed my helmet and they had the same reaction. "I got her for you" he said.

"Yes and I heard you had to leave someone you loved" The King reminded me.

"Yes a Dwarf" Alfrid giggled.

"What's so hilarious?" I asked crossing my boot over the other and leaned my hand on my blade.

"Just a human and a Dwarf" he laughed, that was it, I snapped and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him across the hall, slamming his back into the wall and retracted my dagger and held it to his throat.

"I wonder if Trolls like the taste of a Kings right hand man?" I snarled, changing my eyes to a bright yellow and allowing a growl to rip through me.

"Apologise at once" The King ordered.

"Sorry" Alfrid answered.

"When do you want me to start?" I asked.

"Now would be perfect" The King answered. "Alfrid fetch Bard, he will accompany her" He ordered.

"I work alone" I interjected.

"Not if you want to get paid" he threatened.

"Fine" I whined. "I don't need a mount trolls are way too sensitive to their smell since I learnt that with the Dwarves when they took the ponies, but thank god Gandalf was there" I explained walking out, and I was introduced to a tall man with long dark hair, dark eyes, he had facial hair and was wrapped up in thick heavy clothes.

"Bard" he introduced himself.

"Abrax" I replied.

So I walked out of the gates with Bard by my side, but I was uncomfortable but I tracked the trolls prints and they lead to the edge of the mountain and I saw light coming from on the inside, they had made it and I smiled happily to know they had made it in one piece.

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