Hinata flinched, blushing. "I am so sorry!!!"

Mikey smiled at her. "It's fine to do your best for the man you like, but don't get too carried away. Things would have been bad if you'd hit someone that'd fight back, you know?" he scolded.

She stood straighter. "Yes! I... will be going then."

"Eh? What about our date?" Takemichi asked, confused.

"We can postpone it for now since your friends went out of their way to come hang out," Hinata responded, bowing down to them as she went back into the school.

"Bye bye! Next time don't hit me♡"

"Later cutie♡"

Mikey started to walk towards the gate. "What a nice girl. It's rare to see one like that." The delinquent looked over his shoulder at the time traveler. "Be sure to take care of her."

'Ah, what a lovely couple.' the brunette smiled to herself. 'That girl sure has spunk.' "Hanagaki-kun, your girlfriend is so cute~" Machiko chimed in, grinning. "If she were a bit older then I would have definitely made a move on her."

"H-HUH?! Machiko-san, what are you talking about?!" Takemichi gaped while Mikey and Draken looked back at her. "You're into girls?!"

She hummed, swaying side to side. "Girls, boys, does it matter?" A smirk surfaced on her face. "I got both ways♡"

"Oooh nice." "Respect Machi-chin."

Takemichi sweatdropped. "Please don't go for my girlfriend, Machiko-san!"

"Geez, since you sound and look so desperate, I won't. Besides, I already got others at my feet who want to date me, I don't need to seduce an innocent girl, y'know?"

"....How scummy." "OI!"

The four went off, Takemichi peddling the bike with Mikey sitting behind him while Draken and Machiko sat on the same bicycle, the girl sitting behind the boy.

During the ride, Takemichi was in deep thought. 'I learned about the Tokyo Manji Gang twelve years in the future from Naoto. They are a heinous gang responsible for gambling, fraud, rape, murder, and other such crimes.'

"Underground fighting is stupid."

"There's no way I'd lay a hand on a girl."

'Is this guy really the boss of the terrible Toman?'

"Um, why were you pleased with me before?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"That's a stupud question." "Sorry."

"I have a ten years older brother." Mikey seemed to become nostalgic, something Machiko noted. "Well, he's dead now though. He was a reckless guy. He'd always calmly challenge guys way stronger than him to fights."

"Ooh. He sounds like a cool person!" Machiko had to somewhat agree.

"Mhm. He sounds like a cool, but reckless guy."

Mikey smiled. "Takemitchy, you are like him."

"Huh?!" the fake blonde exclaimed. "I ain't that cool! No matter how you look at it!"

"Well, it's true he wasn't as lame as you, Takemitchy," Mikey insulted.

The male pouted. "You're so mean."

"Machi-chin, you also remind me of him," Mikey said, looking over his shoulder at the detective.

Machiko looked up at him with a curious expression. "Oh? I do?"

"You have this same sibling vibe, but you're definitely cooler than him."

She barked out a laugh. "Ha! No mercy for your bro, huh? Well I'll take the compliment any day, especially since you seem to think highly of your brother."

When they stopped by a hill near the water, Machiko ran off, saying something came up. Bidding the three boys goodbye, the girl walked off, leaving them to their endeavors.

"Geez, why did he have to text me when I was about to hear something good," Machiko mumbled under her breath, annoyed.

'But there's definitely something up with Hanagaki-kun.' Machiko thought to herself, thinking. 'Not only did I get a weird feeling from him before, he also acted a bit off. And what did he mean by losing her a second time? Did they break up before? No, it didn't seem like it as his girlfriend looked confused... Is he perhaps the ability user that I suddenly felt?' She chuckled. "Nah, as if I'd be that lucky for the ability user to be right next to me." '..........' "Oh shit wait, I am that lucky though. But I can't come to a conclusion yet, so I'll just watch him... Now then..."

Putting her phone to her ear, she listened to the ringing sound until a click was heard.

"Glad to see that you actually decided to listen to my message and call me for once, Machiko." She rolled her eyes. 

"Stop giving me sass and tell me what you want before I hang up on you, Ango-san."

A/N : ugh drowning in school work. 

Ima be focusing on my 3 main fanfics and when I finish one of them I'll start working on this again, doing monthly updates and actually make the chapters longer & more interesting instead of this short, slow shit. 

Plus I wanna wait for TR and BSD to get closer to a close so I don't change shit up from the storyline since I prefer to follow canon. I wanna see how the original story of TR is gonna end and what direction BSD is gonna go in with its current arc

Also if you haven't noticed, I'm following the manga instead of the anime

Literally wrote this in less than an hour.

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