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Diana hops down the steps towards Hagrid's hut where their Care of Magical Creatures class was about to begin. Draco had his friend's bag on his shoulder after she nearly fell down the steps due to the imbalance in weight as she hopped.

When they reach the hut, Hagrid was standing outside his hut with Fang at his side, ribbons of drool tumbling from the dog's mouth. Diana's eyes move to the large crates that were by Hagrid's feet and she notices Fang was whimpering fearfully at whatever was in the box.

Diana leans forward to have a look at the contents of the box, but an explosion sounds from within the box and Draco pulls her back from the box.

"Mornin'!" Hagrid greets his students with a wide grin."Be'er wait fer the rest of the class, they won' want ter miss this - Blast Ended Skrewts!"

Diana looks over into the box and grimaces at what was inside. Creatures that looked like pale, shell-less lobsters were scuttling around with very out of place legs. There were hundreds of them, giving off a strong odour that had Diana's eyes almost watering as her hand comes up to cover her nose.

"Freshly hatched," Hagrid grins. " Yeh will be able ter raise 'em yerselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project of it!"

"Why would we want to raise those?" Draco asks, his voice drawling to show his displeasure. "What do they even do?"

"That's next lesson," Hagrid says. "Today we're just feeding them. I got ant eggs an' frog livers an' a bit o' grass snake - just try 'em out with a bit of each."

Diana stares at the box full of diverse kinds of foods and swears her stomach flips at the smell and not in a good way. The blonde witch turns her head away, heaving slightly at the smell.

Diana reaches into the box with a hand full of things she couldn't even name, she loved creatures, but these were something else.


Diana drops the handful of food as a person slams into her, pushing her out of the way as the Skrewt lets off a particularly large explosion.

Diana looks up to see Harry Potter shielding her body with his own and she offers him her signature smile.

"Thank you, Harry," She says, her dreamy voice sending Harry into a trance.

"Uh-huh- I mean no problem," Harry clears his throat awkwardly as a blush rises on his cheeks, his eyes watching as Diana skips over to Draco who was pushing his Skrewt away with a large stick.

"They're ugly bastards," Draco mutters.

"That's not very nice," Diana says, pretending to cover the Skrewt's ears with her gloved hands.

The Skrewt moved and Diana leapt a foot back, not trusting it at all. Draco snickers and she kicks his leg lightly.

The longest hour of the students' lives had passed. They had spent it dodging explosions, tending to burns and throwing food at the Skrewts from a safe distance until eventually, lunch came around.

"I don't even think I have an appetite," Blaise groans. "I had my hands coated in whatever the hell that stuff was for over an hour"

Diana grimaces, the smell of the Skrewts and Hagrid's food concoction for them burnt into her nostrils.

"It wasn't the most pleasant lesson we have had," Diana says. "But Hagrid tries"

Diana begins picking from the salad bowl, once again picking out the parts she didn't like and placing them on Draco's plate. The main thing she was trying to remove from her salad was tomatoes. Diana hated everything about the blasted things, the texture, the taste but most of all she hated how the taste could spread across everything in mere seconds.

"You're so picky," Draco says and Diana shrugs, placing another tomato on his plate.

"We have Divination next," Diana says as she looks at her schedule.

"Oh fun," Pansy says. "That's my beauty sleep lesson"

"No amount of sleep is going to help you," Theo quips and Pansy throws a piece of cucumber at him.

The cucumber nails Theo in the forehead with a wet slap before it slides down his face and lands in his lap.

"And on that cue-" Blaise says.

The other four members of their group grabbed their bags as quickly as they could, taking cakes and other dessert pieces before sprinting from the hall. Trying to escape the coming wrath of Theodore Nott.

Diana pulls the trap door down, moving out of the way of the falling ladder. She begins to climb the ladder before reaching up and throwing her bag through. A hand sticks down and Diana grabs it, allowing her fellow peer to help her up.

Her eyes connect with a pair of green ones that were becoming increasingly familiar.

"You must be my destined knight in Gryffindor robes," Diana says. "Always there to save me"

Harry's face goes bright red in mere seconds as he splutters, trying to produce a response to Diana's bluntness which she had said so softly as if what she said didn't actually register with her.

"You're welcome,"

That was all Harry could come up with and he wanted to pitch himself out of the trapdoor. A pretty girl had just flirted with him and all he said was 'You're welcome'? Harry knew what the contents of his next letter to Sirius were going to be. Asking for girl advice.

Diana stares at the complex star chart in front of her. To pass the time, Diana and Blaise were connecting the stars on the chart, trying to create an image of some sort.

"My dear,"

Diana jumps as Professor Trelawney's hand clamps on her shoulder.

"I can see you are struggling with an internal conflict," The owlish woman says. "Or perhaps a fear of yourself and what you can do?"

Diana feels the blood rush from her face as she stares up at the woman before the temperature in the room drops, almost unnoticeably except for her friends. Diana looks at Blaise before her gaze moves to her other three friends who had concern plastered across their faces before moving to Harry who was watching the exchange with intrigue.

Diana shrugs the woman's hand off before grabbing her bag and walking out of the classroom.

"You will do great or terrible things my dear, but that choice is yours and yours only!"

Diana walks down the corridor as the rate of her breathing increases, and it felt as if she was drowning. She throws open the door to one of the abandoned classrooms before dropping to her knees as ice climbs the walls.

That was how Hermione Granger found Diana, huddled in the corner of the classroom which was now frozen solid.

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