sunflower vol 6 (remus's version)

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Sometimes, when he slept, Sirius appeared to be dead

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Sometimes, when he slept, Sirius appeared to be dead. He sank into the mattress like a lump of limbs, his hair splayed all across his face, and you'd be tempted to perform CPR if it weren't for the snoring. A horrendous sound, loud enough to shake buildings, but the only sign of life left in the boy.

This morning, due no doubt to a fatal amount of alcohol pulsing through his bloodstream, Sirius was snoring. Remus typically was the one to wake him up, being that another cause of this sort of sleep was when Sirius stayed up all night for full moons and the snoring prevented Remus from sleeping, but this time Sydney was too excited.

"Sirius," she whispered loudly.

Sirius sprawled awake, surprised by the interruption and looking like the roof had collapsed on him. When realized it was just Remus and Syd, though, he rolled over and pulled his covers over his head.

"Sirius, you have to get up," Sydney whispered again.

"No, I don't actually."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Mate, I promise you'll want to see this."

Sirius shifted the covers just below eye-level and peeked open one eye.

"See what?" he asked, intrigued.

"Prongs and Lily," Remus grinned. A smirk stretched across Sirius's face as well and he tossed his covers aside. If there was one thing that could get a Marauder out of bed, it was the idea of Lily and James.

Remus had known, of course, that Lily's feelings were finally developing. He had the inside scoop; he knew her best of the four of them. He also now had the extra insider from Syd, which proved very useful in seeing Lily's "tell", as Syd put it, and watching closely for when she was flirting with James. As it turned out, she was always flirting with James. She was just horrendously bad at it.

Remus, of course, then took all of this information straight to James. He told James that Lily had stopped complaining so much about James's overt nature; that she, in fact, spoke about James quite often, and in good lighting; and that she sometimes said she missed how James used to be, with his grand, usually embarrassing gestures, and she thought that because he had stopped, he was losing feelings for her.

James did not believe a word.

So, Remus did what any good friend would do. He shoved James and Lily into a food cabinet and hoped for the best.

Remus practically dragged Sydney down the stairs by her hand. He stepped on and over beer cans, kicked aside the discarded suits of armor, pulled Syd around an overturned table, and then finally through to the kitchen. He let go of Sydney's hand and sped walked around the island and to the pantry door.

"What are you doing?" Marlene asked from her perfectly positioned seat at the counter. Remus held up a silencing hand, glanced once at Sydney, and then swung open the door.

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