driftwood pt1 (remus's version)

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The boys spent the majority of the evening laying out the plans for their newest prank: Portkey Palooza (coined by Pete, of course)

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The boys spent the majority of the evening laying out the plans for their newest prank: Portkey Palooza (coined by Pete, of course).

Peter had provided the snacks and the idea itself, Sirius had learned the charm to perfection, James had organized the timing, and now all that was left was for Remus to figure out how to charm over a thousand items without being seen.

As James pointed out, students who chose to take the trip to Hogsmeade on Sunday would be cramming homework afterwards and be far too busy to notice the Marauders. However, this still left any younger students, proactive learners, or people who simply did not care for their work.

On Saturday morning, Remus still had nothing.

"We have the cloak," he said at breakfast. "And these entries," - he pointed out a few of the secret passageways on their map that opened near dormitories and classrooms - "But other than that I don't see how we're going to make it through the whole castle unaccounted for."

"Good morning boys," said Lily, dropping in beside Remus unexpectedly.

"Hey," he muttered dryly, turning back to the map.

"We can figure it out," James whispered. "Moony and I can stay out for 'rounds' or something and finish up whatever we miss."

"That's a lot of work, though," Peter said.

"What's up with you lads?" Marlene asked.

"Nothing," Sirius answered coolly.

"Peter?" The blonde asked. Remus, along with the other boys, suddenly looked up at Peter, urging him wordlessly to stay quiet.

Peter glanced nervously between his three mates, surely not expecting to be placed on the spot, and then looked out to the girls.

"Mischief managed," James whispered, shoving the map away.

"Whatcha workin' on?" Marlene asked curiously.

"Oh," said Peter. "Um, it's really nothing."

Remus looked over to Marlene, who simply shrugged and took another bite of her apple.

"Okay," she said, and the boys relaxed. Remus clapped Peter on the shoulder and James pushed the map back to the center of the table.

"I think if we just cover the majority, Prongs and I will be fine," Remus said.

"Yeah," nodded James. "And then if we-"

"Oh, can't we just tell them?" Peter moaned. Remus groaned and rolled his head backwards. "Maybe they can help!"

"Help with what?" Asked Alice sweetly. Sirius slammed his head on the table.

"Oh, out with it," said Lily. "James?"

James sighed.

"Fine," he said.

Oh, you bitch.

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