still waters (remus's version)

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"Remus, you're soaked!"

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"Remus, you're soaked!"

Remus clicked the door to his dorm room shut and looked over his clothes. His tshirt stuck to his skin and his sweatpants were a darker shade of grey than when he left a few hours prior.

"Huh," he said, running a hand through his hair, which dripped with rain. "Guess I am. What are you lads even doing up?"

Sirius turned his head slightly, his eyes narrowing. Then his mouth dropped open.

"You snogged her, didn't you?!" He cried, pointing a finger in Remus's direction and ignoring his question. Remus grinned and shrugged, holding his hands out as though he had no recollection of that event.

"You did!" James cheered from his own bed.

"For how long?" Asked Peter.


"How long did you kiss for?" Sirius clarified. "It's an important question. Please answer precisely."

"I don't know," Remus said, taken aback. "I wasn't exactly timing it."

"Well, did it feel like it was a particularly short kiss?" James asked. "Say, like, three seconds or so? Roughly, of course."

"Or," Sirius cut in. "Was it longer? Like a solid ten seconds where you had just enough time to use tongue but not enough to get fancy."

"First of all," Remus said. "You two terrify me." - James and Sirius nodded understandingly and then saluted each other. - "And second," Remus continued. "It was probably in the middle of those. So, like, five seconds, maybe? Six?"

"I win!" Peter cried, throwing his hands in the air. Sirius groaned and his head dropped limply forward. James cursed and shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out a collection of galleons and tossing them to Peter's bed.

"You had a bet going?" Remus asked, almost laughing at the idiocy.

"Course we did," Peter replied, grinning ear to ear. "We have another about when you'll ask her out, so leave it 'till New Year's, thanks."

"NO!" James shouted. "Christmas is a much better time. So jolly."

"Valentine's is also very fitting," Sirius offered.

"Syd hates Valentine's Day," Peter noted. "Best to wait and start 1978 off correctly."

"Moony," James stated. "Think of the mistletoe."

"Alright, alright," Remus waved, pulling out his wand and drying himself off. "You three can bicker all you want, but I'm off to bed."

"Dream of your possible elf babies!"

"James, take a minute and replay that sentence in your head."

"I have no regrets."

"You have issues."

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