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The sky was clear, with a tinge of yellow as the sunlight was filling the horizons, she would have loved to rest her back in one of the passenger seats and enjoy the orange-yellow hue around her but even in the cockpit, it was not that bad. the white sheet of nothingness seemed quite a routine route for her but the truth was far from this belief.

The airliner was already in the air for a few hours so this meant she had nothing much to do, her co-pilot was sleeping in the cell designated for the same but being a morning person, sleep was far away for her...

It was going to be her 4th year of commercial flying so she was not supposed to have fears but This was not a normal commercial flight, it was a RESCUE MISSION from a war-hit country where people from her land and others were waiting for such flights to leave their helplessness and suffering behind.

Back at home, the stories from this country she was landing in some time were troublesome so when she received the mail to be included in this RESCUE MISSION, for a moment she felt her lungs, constricted into her rib cage... Seeing the number of air attacks, This mission could turn into a lethal one any moment a Missile or MANPAD hit her craft.

But there was no time to think about herself, after the phone call last week her morales kept dwindling, sometimes with thoughts like how this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and sometimes her guts kept crashing how this was far from any of such fantasies... but then the day came and her usually packed suitcase made way into the cockpit of this Airbus she was supposed to land in the on way city where both parties of war had announced a ceasefire to let the civilians, especially foreigners leave the country.

She could still feel how her mother's voice had trembled in response when she told her about the mission, there were no casualties heard about civilians or foreigners for now so she tried her best to assure her she was going to be fine, but both of them knew it was not the truth... Her father was a brave man; well, he had agreed silently to his only child's career choice when he himself could not fight his phobia of flights even after her 6th year of flying, she had wasted her money twice on the tickets but could not make him board since he was afraid to fly... he certainly was a brave man to have his daughter fly one.

Breaking away from the thoughts she glanced down from her side of the windows, the morning sun was shining over the misty and sleepy city, pale yellow landscapes were turning dark green and sometimes blue and black telling her about the season of falls in the area. It was amazing that she had started the journey when the sun had just risen and when she would land at the destination for today it would still be an early morning.

Planet earth and its amazing tilt on the axis. she smiled recalling someone's words.

it was not long before the white sheet of snow engulfed all that was yellow and green and a white landscape made it clear ... HER DESTINATION WAS NEARBY.

This country and this specific city...She remembered how her schedules didn't allow her to visit a lot of the foreign cities she had flown into but at the same time, there have been a few occasions when she had visited the cities during the weekend stay she had got there. The city they were going to land in was one of those beautiful cities, where you could search for poetries on the walls, where coffee reminded you about some long-gone era, where people hugged you in the warmest hugs one could.

her memories of this city were of a beautiful world she someday wanted to spend a long summer with someone who was... just like him this city's possibility to make a comeback was rare.

A beautiful city with thousands of years of making was being shredded to nothing in just a matter of seconds, just like her feelings for him were crushed similarly in a couple of seconds.

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