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Behind Her...

Every now and then the big conference hall with a large monitor in front of the oval table comprising some 45 members of her company and the people concerned with the event, murmured when the screen flashed a new price.

Her big eyes that remained calm in nearly every situation, a trait she had developed after spending nearly a decade in the corporate world were not that calm today, she had seen the days of Ups and Downs but today was the day when the project that was about to make her company a leader in the market was through the biggest test of its journey.

The company was going public and the process that had started nearly a year ago on her birthday was now taking shape when bidders announced their bids and the monitor kept flashing with the bids only getting increased... Looking crisp in her burgundy trousers and white shirt Keerti turned to her and blinked her eyes with a smile, the bidding was going to be successful and in just a few minutes they were about to create a history in the Indian market.

Keerti, her good friend and now her sister in law had worked hard on the digitalization of the company and brought her intelligence of the Modern finance changes in the market to the company and made them market competitors for others.

She recalled the day a few years ago when board members and even her own husband thought she was giving his sister a favor but they didn't know the quest of change she had seen in Keerti after reading her thesis on how modernization was going to rule the Market monopoly in coming years.

Keerthi had already shut the mouth of her critics including her own brother after she made a series of changes possible in Pallavi's firm and started receiving offers from others to join them.

Pallavi opened her fists when one of the members typed something on their system and the digits on the monitor changed again only to reveal they had moved past some significant stock price caps in recent times.

This was the moment Pallavi was waiting for, taking a deep breath she cleared her throat and everyone's attention turned to the MD and founder of the company.

"Gentlemen, i suppose we have arrived at our final price..." she paused and saw the surprise on the faces of investors who were not satisfied with the words.

"Mrs . Rao, we have not completed yet, let the prices sour the market, the investors who are rooting to provide you anchorage in case your shares fail is terrible, we must not stop with this price cap." the agent from one of the leading banks of the country became the voice of others who had similar concerns.

"anyone else has any issue other than this one?" she straightened in her chair and then smiled, the signature smile that was popular among her colleagues as the warning before Pallavi Rao answered the worries of people who didn't believe in her decision.

After waiting for a few seconds she assumed this was the only issue among them she pushed the office bell and the office staff entered the hall, she gestured to him to connect the monitor with her system.

After everything was settled, she opened the first slide and everyone focused on the screen, where a news article of how the shares of some of the most anticipated companies landed on their face after they went public for the first time with one of the highest price caps.

The slides moved one by one and names of companies kept changing until the last slide said in bold words, DO WE WANT THAT?

After that, the screen turned dark and the room that was turned dark to accommodate the white screen of her presentation was filled with lights.

Pallavi gestured the staff to leave the room and then turned her attention towards the most important people of the country sitting in front of her.

"The high price cap was not the only reason why these initial offerings failed, Ma'am." Farhad, the representative of her husband's company, and another young enthusiast spoke.

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