Do You Even Grammar? (1)

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(I havent redrawn him but for any newcomers this is Sam^^)

This was so lame. You didn't want to go to the Fazbear Pizzaplex with your little brother...

especially on the weekends.

Literally the only time you were supposed to have to yourself, was now to be spent around hundreds of people at a place made for little kids.

Why couldn't your parents just take him?

Why did they have to blackmail you into doing it?

Yeah you heard that right.


If you want the car your dad said hed pass down to you then you gotta spend time with your brother at the pizzaplex. And you couldn't really say no... it was literally your favorite type of car, which would normally cost a shit ton of money but you could just get for free...

As long as you spend time with your brother.


This is so bogus.

The place was incredibly busy these days, as it's had a lot of new upgrades since its reopening. You moved to the town while it was still being rebuilt after it burned down but now it was up and running and apparently better than ever.

You wouldn't know. Nor did you care.

You were just going off what you heard.

You wouldn't have even liked this place as a kid.

Good thing you wore the worst of your clothes. No doubt this place would be incredibly filthy.

Upon entering the pizzaplex you bought you and your brother passes to get inside. Your little brother wasted no time in running off to go play some arcade games.

"Woah RaeRae! These are so cool!" He cheered happily.

You already wanted to go home. Watch Riverdale or Grey's Anatomy. Shit a scary movie would be better than this, and you hated scary movies.

What the hell were you supposed to do while he had his fun? You had to stay here for at least three hours.

You could get food... though the food here is probably not very trustworthy. You fidgeted with your necklace, you had it custom made with your birthstone and it was probably the most expensive thing you had and... you had a lot of expensive things.

But this? This was your favorite.

You followed around your little brother for about an hour, incredibly bored messaging your friends and barely paying attention to your surroundings. Or even your brother for that matter.

You were telling them how lame your parents were for making you do this.


Next thing you knew someone grabbed your phone from you hands. You looked up angrily, your anger turning to confusion as you kept looking up.


He's tall.

One of the animatronics peered fowm at you, a smug grin on his fave as he looked at your phone and read your last text

"Omg guys this place it totes lame asf. Kill me now lololol I wanna go hooooomeee!"

Your face went read as his deep voice read the text exactly as it was typed out.

"Hmm. You do know how to use grammar right?" He asked.

"Duh. I don't need to use grammar for texts. Give me my phone stupid robot."

"Stupid? That's not nice love..." he looked between you and your phone.

Then without any warning he opened his mouth and...swallowed it?

"Hey! Mother fucker! Thats the newest version of that phone and cost a lot of money!" You shouted at him and he only smiled.

"You'll get it back before you leave. You have more important things you should be worrying about... for example have you seen your brother around lately?"

You anger dissipated slightly, "if course i-" scanning the area you last saw him you could see he was no longer there.

Oh no...

Where did he go?

"I know where he is love. However, you need to pay more attention. The staff can't keep track of every child..."

You glared at the animatronic. What even was he?

He was tall as fuck that was very ovious as he towered over you. His arms and upper body the color blue and his stomach and lower jaw a bright orange. His head had two parts connected that were also orange with purple lighting bolts.

He wore what looked like black pants that had a red strip on the sides with little purple lighting bolts. Another purple lighting bolt on his crotch and a brown belt connected to a black harness and then the afro. Why did he have an afro? It looked ridiculous.

And was that a snake bite piercing?

Watching you look him over the animatronic chuckled, "Hmm take a picture love and it'll last longer."

"Shut the fuck up! Where's my brother" you sneered at him.

Okay yes you had been checking him out but it wasn't like that.

You've never seen an animatronic before... you were just curious.

"He's at my attraction playing with one of my buddies..." he explained and motioned for you to walk the other way.

You followed him to his attraction, it was apparently a hide and seek type of deal based off the sign that read 'Hide n Seek with King Cobra Samauel'

So... he was a king Cobra and his name was Samauel.

Alright then.

Why was he programmed to be so snarky though?

He led you into his attraction, there was a lit area with games and tables and then a darkened area off to the side with little set ups for hiding spots. Must be where the kids play hide and seek then...

Thatd be creepy, having an animatronic find you in the dark.

You spotted your brother fairly quickly at a table with another Animatronic. This was was a purple bunny or rabbit that much was obviouse.

"Heyo Bonnie. I found RaeRae..." Sam called out grabbing the other animatronics attention as well as your brother's.

How the fuck did he know your nickname?

"RaeRae!" Your brother cried running toward you and grabbing your leg hugging it tightly.

Oh... probably because of him.

"Hmm..." the bunny, Bonnie or whatever looked you over, "it doesn't surprise me that she lost him...."

The fuck? He was clearly judging you just off your looks.

"Fuck off..." you rolled your eyes.

"RaeRae mom doesn't like when you swear!" Your brother frowned tugging at your shirt.

"Yeah well mom's not here. Let's go."

You were done with these stupid robots thag for some reason acted really human like.

Weird. Must be some advanced programming though...

"See ya later RaeRae..." Sam purred as you left his attraction with your brother in tow.

Yeah, no way in hell you'd purposely find him again.

It wasn't until you got home that you realized...

He still had your fucking phone.

ON HOLD! A King and His Queen (Oc! King Cobra Samael X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now