"So when are we going to leave?" She questioned happily.

He lightens up at her facial expression, getting to see that beautiful smile of hers. "Early tomorrow morning. We need to leave the house before sunrise"

"Yikes, I better get packing soon then. What will you be doing there with the other Harbinger?" She questioned, her curiosity piqued.

"Just to make sure he's doing everything correctly." He paused to finish off his food before continuing "He's our newest member, so the Tsaritsa just wanted me to check up on him."

"Will I get to meet this young Harbinger?" She honestly just wanted to know if other Harbingers were as crazy as Dottore, or if they were actually sane.

He started seething at the idea of her meeting Tartaglia. Dottore knew how charming, kind, and funny he was. He didn't want the younger Harbinger flirting and laughing up a storm with his woman. But he knew that he had just promised her she'll have free range of doing what she wants to do while they're there.

"Only if you want," he stated in an obvious, upset tone

She caught this and questioned why, "Is he mean or something?"

He then got the devious idea to lie to her. How would she know if it's a lie or not? She'd want to not meet him. "Yes, he idiotic and reckless..." he starts trying to think of more ways to shine him in a bad light. "..He always talks about killing, he's very obnoxious and just outright annoying."

He wasn't necessarily lying per say. More like bending the truth for his and her benefits. And by her facial expression she was buying it.

Her face contorted in disgust at the thought of such an annoying person. "Yeah, maybe I won't go with you to see him."

He smiled brightly, "Yeah, you wouldn't like him at all." She got up collecting her plates "Well I'm going to get packed then get back to work"

"See you later, doll," He spoke with a smug look. He made sure to emphasize the nickname she hated 'oh so much'.

She only shot back a nasty glare before walking out of the dining room. She walked into her room, grabbing her trunk out from under the bed and placing it on it. She went to her drawer grabbing all the undies she would need for the time being there. She then walked over to her closet looking at all of her items of clothing. It was little, but she wanted to choose the best outfits for her vacation.

She was now getting very excited for this 'mission'. She gets to go to a country she's never been to, everything is all paid for, and the best by far, she gets to get away from Dottore for some time. The masked man can be very exhausting to deal with, and at some points she feels like a maid for a young obnoxious prince.

She pulled out her best outfits and carefully put them in the trunk. She then grabbed behind her neck and took her mothers necklace off. She walked over to her drawer and put it in "I'm sorry mom. I can't take any chances losing this in another country. I'd never find it again if it did."

She walked back over to her trunk, taking it off the bed and placed it next to the door, ready to go for tomorrow. She then walked out of the room heading back to her office to finish up some work before having the nice break.


A stream of loud knocks woke her up from her slumber. "Y/N~ we need to leave soon" Dottore's voice sang out, way too energetic to be so early in the morning.

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