We showed up at the museum and started with the African Bush elephant. Leah and Chris were up to no good somewhere I assumed and rose kept asking questions, it meant that she was interested and there were always workers willing to answer and help which was great. We then checked out the dinosaur collection because we didn't think rose would be interested in rocks and minerals. Scarlett, however went to check out the jewels, she found it fascinating.
When we were done I called up Evans because he was currently the guardian for Leah and as much as I love him and as much as I think his responsible the two of them together is not a good idea. I'm surprised the building didn't come crashing down yet. He didn't answer and I had Leahs phone so I started to panic. This place was huge I gotta find my baby girl. Rose was tired to I carried her on my search to find Scarlett. And we found her looking at the hope diamond.
"Oh hey guys, take a look at this. I think I want to get a smaller version made. It's gorgeous." she continued to admire the diamond. She looked so cuttttteeeeee.
"heyy. have you heard from Evans "
She nodded..
"yea, they passed me, they said they going to go find out if the animals here are real and then they'll head to rocks and minerals and they'll meet us up at the restaurant one the first floor at 4. Which is now so we gotta get going" we took my bag as I wanted to carry rose and we headed to the restaurant. I spotted Evans taking a picture with a fan but no Leah in sight. I started panicking again. So I walked up to Evans.
"heyyy, where's my kid? " he smiled..
"heyyy. Relax she's right over ther-" he pointed to an empty table where I assume they were seated before because their jackets were still there.
"right over where Evans? " he started to panic, which made my panic and Scarlett was missing! Where the hell did she go? After a solid 5 minutes of looking around Scarlett came back from the bathroom with Leah right behind her.
"I found her in the bathroom, she's okay, she's not hurt" Scarlett looked relieved but still quite tense and I guess Leah picked up on that because she soon hugged Scarlett and apologized many times to all of us.
Chris spoke up...
"the food here sucks, want to go else where"
"we are here, we might as well have something to eat" I replied because I was exhausted and really couldn't move anymore.
"I don't like it here. Can we please go somewhere else" Leah spoke up and gave me puppy eyes next to Evans. I would've done it without the puppy eyes anything for this kid. She asks and I'll do it in a heart beat.
We ended up at Scarletts house and ordered Uber eats and then we headed home because tomorrow Leah and I have to go shopping for some summer clothes for her because she didn't plan to go to sokovia. So tomorrow we had shopping and packing and then the next morning we had a plane to catch then a week and 3 day holiday and then we head back here and then we have 5 days before Leah leaves!
My brain was currently working over time. We got home and I headed to the kitchen because I was craving green tea. Leah was up in her room with crystal video calling jade. I've never really met jade but she sounds like one of those emo kids. Or even jade in that nickelodeon show victorious. When I finished my tea I headed to my room, I could hear laughter next door so I assumed I'd be sleeping alone tonight unfortunately.

Time skip until next morning_

Lizzie pov continued
So I woke up to Leah next to me I didn't even hear or feel her come in last night. Was I that exhausted. I mean I still felt exhausted. Leah was done with her 'ladies situation' so maybe we can a coffee date. I can take her to Darlas Cafe, the one Scarlett and I always go to. I was about to get up but Leah pulled me closer to her.
"GoodMorning honey, we need to get up. If you ready in the next 20 minutes I'll buy you an iced caramel latter with 3 shots of expressos" that got her up, she literally shot up and ran out. So much for cuddles, but I'll get her for that.
I cleaned the room and headed downstairs where I was literally embraced by Leah. She literally clinged to me and I wasn't going
Complain. She had her arms wrapped around me and we walked that way to the car no words shared between us just comfortable silence. The car drive was fun, we were singing to the radio. Leah got good vocals, she can keep a tune. We arrived at the coffee shop and ordered.
"i was about to say wow they know your name already but then I told myself who wouldn't " she laughed.
"you didn't! " I joked remembering our first encounter when she didn't even know my name.
"yea well it's not my fault that most of your films is either horror or not pg 13" she joked further.
"also if I knew you based off of social media and your career and interviews and not real life you'd totally be my hero " aww she's sweet.

The waiters brought our things and we started eating.
"okay, but you do know me in real life and what do you think now? " I was actually curious to know her opinion because social media portrays me completely different to what I am.
"well I believe most of social media.. Like you love to cook, you laugh alot. You have the most adorable giggle you know the basics. I know that you a ball of anxiety and you haven't acknowledged it, you right it down like a check list and hope that it's over. I know that you take longer showers when you not ready for the day or the day wasn't good. I know you love green tea when a day has been physically draining. I know you love cuddles and literally every terrible thing you feeling can be cured with it but it has to come from the right person. You love your privacy but you also want everyone around. You very friend oriented and you'd drop everything in the world if I needed something " I just sat there shook. This girl read me like a book and she literally had a month to do it. I had to one up her.
"okay, so you clearly know alot, but know that I know alot too but I won't tell you because I'm not as quick as you with processing and sorting information. Like what's the truth"

"well. For me, something has to happen thrice to make it a fact. If it happens less than that it's just a general statement or a coincidence" she shrugged. She reads people. Why didn't I see that coming she literally has a skill set of a director and that's an important factor. To know who and what you working with.

"okay director Leah, what about that lady over there" she followed my eyes looked for literally a split second and then spoke.
"she walked in approximately 7 minutes ago, she ordered normal coffee with almond milk and a chocolate chip muffin. She then paid and had the waiter clean her table. she keeps looking at the door so she's waiting for someone, She's dressed casual but slightly fancy so she's trying to impress that someone who I assume is him " her eyes strays over my shoulder to a young man walking up to the girl Leah was assessing. They 3 tables away but I could hear her ordering another basic coffee with almond milk with a chocolate chip muffin.
"okay, that's crazy creepy. Do you always keep your eyes open and alert for anything? "
She nodded finishing her brand muffin.

We headed to the shops and she was still clinging to me so it was easier to hide her from paps.

We headed to the store and got some cute outfits. She got some shorts. And baggy jeans and overalls and short sleeve crop tops and a one piece swimsuit along with sandals.
We paid and were about to head out when Leah turned around and stopped me.
"that guy has a tiny camera and is taking pictures, you go out back and I'll meet you up by the car" she looked determined but over my Dead body was that happening. I bought her an oversized hoodie and glasses and headed out the front door with her trying to protect her at all cost.

It worked when we got to the car she was a bit shaky so I drove home as fast as I could, trying to calm her and rub her hand and say calming words it wasn't helping. I should really get my windows tinted so that I can deal with this immediately and no be scared of more pictures being taken..
When we got home I left the bags there and took Leah to the back garden,where I just held her remembering the first day I met her and how I helped her with her panic attack with her listening to my heart beat. I drew little shapes on her back and played with her hair and said sweet things. I could feel her calming down so I spoke...
"you okay? Do you want me to make you anything? Hot chocolate maybe? I'll even make butternut stew "
She looked up at me and smiled...
"butternuy stew sounds lovely. And so does that hot chocolate. Thanks. Lizzie" she squeezed me in the embrace before getting up and helping me up from the ground.
I got to work with the stew and she went to pack her things for our vacation.
I finished the stew and we ate. She headed to the library because I told her she could bring along a book and I packed the last of my things like my knifes and their holder. I love taking my kitchen with me when I travel don't judge.
When we finished we headed up to my room and watched 2 broke girls because she loves it even though she's underage and I can't say no to her and I low key love it too.

She dozed off first knowing that we need to be up early I dozed off soon after...
Word count 2517

Heyyy sparklers!
Heres this. No idea what this is. The day at the museum I guess. I've never been there I based this off of my night at the museum knowledge and basic Google research. Anyways what's happening with scar and lizzie? 😏 And Scarlett literally acting like Leah's mom and lizzie being roses mom😂.

Also the bond between Leah and lizzie. Uncertain if this counts a fluff probably not. I have no clue what to say. Want to help a friend out with fluff ideas? No? Okay that's cool😅

Still appreciate you guys though.❤️
Also I thought I posted this earlier sorry about that
Drink a glass of water. It's good for you!
Sparkle out!

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