Start from the beginning

"of course... that was not the PRIMARY reason, Mr. Khan," Pallavi said in a soft voice.

"so why are we stopping at this price... what stops SVC to reign the market Ms. Pallavi." Ved, her husband's opponent but one of their early investors and a no-nonsense businessman commented.

"Alright, So... mostly every representative here is already involved with one or another IPOs that failed recently and in no case I am trying to make a comment on that. My suggestion is to let our price caps be defined on the latest bid, it has been a woman's company on most of the fronts so as an intrinsic factor, we try to think about risk management even before thinking about the adventure we are signing up for...

In simpler words, we have got an amazing set of investors who are going to provide us anchorage and by keeping the price lower I want the retailers or public to invest in something that is not going to ruin the money they poured here."

"but this is not how it should be done you cant...

"one minute Mr. Ved, I have still a few things to quench your worries..." another smile flashed in her eyes, and then she gestured to Keerti for their master card.

"companies go public for their own interests but with the capital we are bound to generate, we want to invest the 70 % of them in your companies... it is like a partnership of sorts as and how it attracts you, Sir." Keerti's gaze focused on Ved after walking through every member in the hall.

"and of course, the details of the proposal would be sent to you only after the shares are public... anyway it won't be your loss, in the case of prices falling short of the cap you decided, you will be compensated so the decision is yours." with that Keerti completed and turned the microphone away.

Another moment of muffled whispers followed where Pallavi dearly missed her phone to check the amount of buzz that was involved around this event thanks to Keerti's efforts. This woman was intelligent and had taken the advantage of the best of corporate ethics to be in the news for all the good reasons.

The microphone crackled and everyone focused their attention on the speaker, one of the agents from another leading bank.

"seeing the current situation, market scenario, status of foreign markets ... I think Ms. Pallavi's choice to gain the trust of investors seems a good idea, even a common man who would subscribe to the shares would not want his money to get wasted and after a pandemic, the stock market needs the trust of Public... we agree to settle on this price cap, cut off would be decided after taking the bids in consideration., with this I announce that SVC has completed the final  procedure to go  PUBLIC."

A round of applause followed with Keerti taking the center for thanking all of them for the success of the event. After the agents and company heads' exit, the board members and the MD were scheduled for a press conference so everyone walked out and only Pallavi, keerti and Ved were left in the hall.

"Congratulations Pallavi... it surprises me how a seemingly introvert woman makes the most outlandish ideas work." Ved walked to her chair and genuinely praised her.

"thank you so much Mr. Vedant but if not for these girls, SVC could not have made it possible." gesturing towards Keerti, Pallavi searched the long end of her Silk saree with her right hand and secured it to her front. it was another of the traits people praised about her, how she never took the credit for any of her successes, for her it was the team that was the reason and it was the team's success.

"Now if you excuse me, I have an important call to make." Pallavi smiled before leaving Ved and Keerti alone in the room.

"I have an intuition that you would deny, but how about a dinner tonight?" Ved sat on the table in front of Keerti who was packing the papers and her laptop in the bag.

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