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"Alright, that's enough" Tom said, taken away the
half eaten pancakes,"now, we won't be doing that
again. Will we?"

Brooke shakes her head. Never again does she want
to taste the what the floor has to offer.

"Come on then" he states, turning off the tv and
tugging on her hand.

He leads her back into the leaving room where
Cillian sat, still in his pjs, tapping away on his

"Feeling better, are we?" Cillian asks, peering from
His computer.

Tom brushes his shoulder against hers to indicate
that she should answer.

Yes, thank you"
"Good. You're lunch is in the microwave"

"Some sort of fancy pasta" Tom states, pulling Brooke to the seat at the counter by her hand.
She sits while he retrieves the food.

Placing the food in front of her, Brooke wastes no
time in shoving the warm food into her mouth,
slowing down after a few bites from the intense stare of the brothers.

Cillian pushes his laptop off him coming around to
join the two at the kitchen island. He takes his
place on the opposite side of Brooke, causing her
anxiety levels to rise. Suddenly the food didn't taste as good

"So, I'll go easy, consider it a welcome present. Pick
one friend" Cillian spoke, leaning his upper body
against the counter so he was face level with Brooke.

"Why?" She questions
"I told you, didn't I? Try that again and you're in
shit, your friends are in shit, and your family is in
shit. This time, however, for the purpose of time
and effort, I'll let you pick one friend"

"You can't!", Brooke exclaims, her hand finding its
self gripping Cillians arm to keep him in place.
Suddenly, it all became very clear.

"You can't" she softly repeated.
How would they complete such a task? She asks
herself, they don't hold the power of life and death
in their hands. Nor would they have power of the
press or the police. It's all just lies to compel
compliance. Brookes spirt begins to sore. Of
course, people are coming to help me. How silly I
was to believe that they weren't. They would be on
their way now, having to have wait 24 hours to
see if I would return.

"You can't" Brooke speaks firmly, "you are nothing
more than fucking psychos . You can't touch
my loved ones"

Cillian grins back at Brooke,
"so pick a friend"

"What about Kate? I've never liked her much" Tom suggested, "bit of a cunt, I thought" "

"Kate it is then" Cillian pushes himself off the
counter, back to the living room table to pick up his
phone that lied next to his laptop.

He types away, the familiar sound indicating that
the message was sent followed the action of him
throwing the phone was down.
"There, all done"

Brooke doubted him but remained silent.

"Your glasses" Tom inquired,where are your

"I don't know. They were taken off my face when I
was knocked unconscious" Venom dropped from
her voice

"I put them in my pocket" Cillian pats his chest as if
they where in his pocket now, "and then I went to
my study".

Cillian walks off, back down the hall
returning not long later with a pair of metal glasses
in his hand.
Brooke reaches for them, ignoring her opened
hand, Cillian throws the frame on the hard bench.

"Right. Now that your taken care off, and toms not
going to offer you a rope to hang yourself with. I
am going to start my day. Is that alright with you
pair?" Cillian storms off, the ponding of his bare
feet against the stone floor being stoped by the
sound of a slammed door.

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