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Cillian sat in his office chair, slowly puffing on his
cigarette. He didn't accept rejection gracefully, nor
was he was a patient man.

It was only the second day in but he was already
frustrated at brookes resistance. He wanted her
submissive and lovely. So tender and attentive. All
over him as soon as he entered the door at the end
of each day, greeting him with kisses and declaring
the hurt from his absence.

He swivels his chair out from under his desk, to
help assist the fantasy that she was there on her
knees with her head pressed against his stomach
and her arms wrapped around his waist.

He takes a slow drag of his cigarette, cupping his
free hand around her imagery head.

A scream broke his day-dream.

Stubbing out his cigarette, he rushes out the door
and back down the hallway.

His heart falling from his chest, when he sees
brooke hanging off the rail and Tom frozen in place
behind the glass window.

Running to the door, he shouts at Tom to stop
moving. "She might jump" he reasons.
"Love, what are you doing?" Cillian asks, hands
griping the entry way of the door.

"Making a grave mistake, is what she is fucking
doing" Tom seethed, "you jump and I'll throw every
single family and friend off after you"

It had been a long time since Cillian had seen his
brother in such a state. Verging on panic attack, his
chest puffed out and heaving, palms balled tightly,
his eyes where clouded with black. Tom was a
fighter from an early age. When their father came
home full of rum after months away, Tom was
always first at the door ready for a fight. Violence
came naturally to Tom, when situations arise
where violence wouldn't forge the way, Tom
spiralled. He really didn't want anything to happen
to her. He wanted to just reach out and grab her
but even at couple feet away he felt so powerless. A
feeling that did not bode well.

"Baby, don't do this" Cillian begged walking
forward. Stopping when brookes attention went
back to negotiating the jump, "look at how high it
is. Even if you did make it to the below balcony,
which there is a high chance you won't, you
wouldn't make it with out significantly hurting

Cillian shuffles forward and brooke yells at him to
keep back. He retreats a few steps.

"You won't make it" Cillian continues. His words
effecting Tom so deeply that he shuts his eyes.

"Yes, I will"

"Woman, I am warring you. Get back over here"
Tom peels his eyes open.

"Now's not the time for threats" Cillian

toms eyes remain on brooke, "come back, and I'll go easy on you"

"What's my other option!" Brooke argues,
"stay here and let you- oh god- who knows what you will do to me. I'll never get another opportunity like
this. If I don't jump now, I'll never get another

Toms hands fling up as if he is about to catch her
but his feet make no movements.
"Don't you let go of that rail!"

In unison with Tom, her hand refused to unclaw
themselves from the metal rail.

"Best case scenario you make the fall, then what?
Cillian questions, anxiety laced in his voice,
"we come down and get you. Or perhaps do you think that Jenny from accounting will help you? Because, she won't brooke. Look how far down it is; go on look"

She does as he asks, the distance between the two
balconies becoming further and further the longer
she stared.

"I am scared of heights" brooke admits in a low

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