08 | faint

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f a i n t

Did I believe in supernatural things? If you asked me this question yesterday, I would have laughed it off and given you a negative answer. But right now, I'm not so sure...

My father was always the one believing in those sorts of stuff. I didn't inherit his excitement to explore the unknown, to believe in things that aren't supposed to exist and can't be seen by the human eye. 


As I stared back into Matthias's eyes, I started to think that my whole life I've been living into a delusion. And not to mention the ridiculous situation I now found myself in.

Let the scene roll back a bit...

I was laying on the sofa in our living room and my father and Matthias were hovering above me and following my every... well, blink. How did this happen? I have no idea. One second I was walking back from shopping with Norah and the other I found myself here.

"You fainted and I brought you home..."

As if he read my thoughts, Matthias was first to speak. He didn't even try to hide the concerned tone of his voice.

It took me a few seconds to realize what he said. I didn't even remember seeing him tonight, let alone fainting in front of him. I can't even imagine how hilarious the situation must have been when he brought me home to my father.

"Hello, sir. I know we don't know each other, but here, your daughter fainted on the road, so out of goodwill, I decided to bring her to you..."

I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at the absurdness of this situation. I tried to move into a sitting position, but my head was panging so hard that my eyes were hurting.

"Careful, I think you hit your head pretty hard."

Matthias rushed to hold me around my shoulders and help lift me up, but the stern look of my father's eyes stopped him in mid-way. Instead, he let my father take care of the pillows that helped me into a sitting position.

"What happened to you? What did you do to my daughter?"

It was the first time my father had spoken since I opened my eyes. I don't think I remember the tone of his voice to have been that authoritative before. He was always the childish one among my parents.

The question was for both Matthias and me, but since I barely remembered a thing, I waited for him to say the story - which I was most delighted to hear. 

"I don't recall, everything is blurry in my head."

I answered honestly, indicating that Matthias should be the one talking. He, on the other hand, seemed to swallow every word that came out of my lips carefully. His eyes searched mine for a few brief moments. It was as if he was trying to read the truth in my irises. Too bad, the only truth I knew at that moment, was the one I spoke about. Finally, after a heavy and silent pause, he said...

"I walked with you on your way back home and you fainted out of nowhere. Must be the exhaustion. You shouldn't overwork yourself."

"But I didn't work at the cafe tonight..."

I began to defend myself, but it seemed that my father had no intention to hear what was going to come out of my mouth. His head snapped so fast towards Matthias that I swore I heard his neck cracking. 

"You walked her home? Since when is that happening?"

My father's rushed words spilled out of his lips with the speed of light. His eyes were bored in Matthias's and his nostrils flared. He was like an angry dragon, ready to spit fire and burn Matthias until nothing but ashes remained of him.

Sure dad, way to go - please don't mind me and scare the guy away.

"We are ... friends. Anyways, I should probably get going..."

"That you should..."

My father was seriously starting to get out of line. He seemed to top the role of an overprotective father and leaned towards being a rude one. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when Matthias spoke over again...

"Get well, I will see you soon. Goodnight, Isa!"

He didn't seem bothered by my father's hospitality, or in this case, the lack of it. Matthias just smiled shyly and sought my eyes again. He held my gaze until both of our cheeks turned rosy. After one wave and awkward nod towards my father, he retreated and left my house.

"Goodnight, Matt."

I called, just before the front door closed after him. I don't know if he heard me, but I couldn't stop a smile from creeping on my lips. Biting my lower lip, I enjoyed the warm bubble of happiness for a few more seconds, before turning towards my father. The delight I sported on my face was long gone now and my expression had changed completely. His rudeness didn't deserve my smile.



He returned to my comment with the same tone and intensity. If I didn't know my father, I'd think he was mad beyond overprotective. And if he was going to behave like that whenever a guy came close to me, I was the one who was going to get furious.

"I will make you some tea. You look like you need it, hell, maybe I need it too, to calm my nerves."

He spoke again, but more to himself this time, and hurried to hide in the kitchen. At that moment tea was the last thing on my mind. All I wanted was to haul him over the coals, but just when I was about to call after my father, a fragment of memory flashed before my eyes.

The events from tonight poured back into my mind like rushed scenes from a movie. The pictures danced before my sight, and I gasped at the acknowledgment of what had happened. The only thing this exposure made me do, was voice out a single thing - a name.


N O T E :

After this chapter, finally, I can say that this story will begin. We had some character introducing and building, some cute side moments between Isa and Matthias, Norah popping here and there. But now, I can say - welcome to "Entangled with you". Enjoy the ride!


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