2: A taste of Freedom

Start from the beginning

It was human nature to want that contact. It was natural to reach out a hand when you see someone you care about upset or hurting, throw an arm around their shoulders, or even wrap them in a hug. It was supposed to be a way to show support, to ease whatever burden they were carrying, but I had never found it comforting like everyone around me seemed to. I'd spent so much of my time secluded that I'd become uncomfortable with simple social gestures that others found natural.

Shaking off my unease, I watched in apprehension as Uncle Ben faced off with the ball of attitude and teenage hormones known as River. His arms crossed over his chest, and he glared angrily at the young girl.

"I'm not going to tell you again not to call your sister that. I don't really care if you like it or not. She's going to be going to school with you. So, I suggest that you use the next hour to adjust to the idea."

Anger flared in River's cobalt eyes, and I took a step towards our uncle. River's main power was weak telekinesis, but it was more than enough to harm our very human uncle if she lost control of her anger.

"Besides, Ari is older. She's learned to hide her differences for the most part. It'll be fine. I'm sure she'll make friends in no time," he continued.

Her anger evaporated momentarily, replaced by amusement as she snorted loudly. I didn't even blame her for that one. I seriously doubted I'd manage to make friends at all. I had no idea how to act around people. The best outcome I could envision was simply to blend in. Maybe, I could watch the other students and imitate their actions enough to not be considered a freak like I was here at home.

"You're joking, right?" River said with the condescending voice she usually used when speaking of me. "Even if she somehow manages to hide most of her freakish nature, her eyes alone will give it away in a second. There's no hiding those. She has no business with the rest of us. I'm sure that's why Mom and Dad always kept her hidden. Even they knew she was a freak."

Flinching away from the impact of her words, my eyes fell to the floor. That last comment cut deep. Turning my back to her, I left the kitchen without a word, tuning out their continued argument.

Jogging up the stairs to my floor, I entered the bathroom to shower off the layers of sweat covering my body from the nightmare and my run. I angrily kicked off my shoes, watching them skid across the black tiled floor. Gripping the edge of the white countertop so hard my fingers went numb, I stared bitterly into the mirror.

My pale lavender eyes stared back at me, mocking my desire to even appear normal. The color looked great with my pale porcelain skin and long black hair, but River was right. No matter how cool they looked, my strange eyes would forever mark me as different... other.

When a soft knock echoed through my floor, I dragged my eyes away from my reflection and made my way back out to the door at the top of the stairs that separated me from the rest of the house. Pulling it open, I came face to face with my favorite person in the world and couldn't stop the resulting smile. All my anger and bitterness fell away immediately.

Lucien, my godfather, was the only person in the world I was truly comfortable with. Even with my parents, I was never fully relaxed when they were around.

He'd been good friends with my parents since before I was born, and he'd been a daily part of my life. After my parents died and we all moved to this tiny town in the middle of the forest in Maine, he'd dropped everything to follow us. He sold his house and bought the one across the street from our new home.

"Whatcha up to, AJ?" He asked affectionately, using the nickname that only he was allowed to use while playfully ruffling my hair.

Slapping at his hand with a glare, I ducked away from him. He knew how much I hated that. Easily dodging my slap, he made his way into my personal living space and plopped down on the couch. He kicked his feet up onto the coffee table and made himself right at home, as per usual.

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