Season 1: 4# Unfinished Business

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Kyle: Alright, let's defeat that bird.

Philza: I know you lot expanded but there is no chance you could defeat me.

Zach: Oh yes we do. C'mon Zodiac heroes.

My teammates and I proceeded to fight Philza while the rest of the team fought Andrew and Dream. Alice and Tommy emitted Blue flames but then I noticed Kyle being able to do it. I was surprised but also impressed because he was in our team for only 2 months but he is already advanced.

Zach: Nice one, Kyle.

Kyle: Thanks.

Jim: Still got unfinished business to do.

Harvey C: How are the others doing?

Zach: No idea but I'll try to get into contact with Delilah.

Larry: You don't have to, you can see what they're up to from here.

Alice: Let's burn that crow with some blue fire.

Philza: Blue fire? That's impossible.

Tommy: Only possible if you're an advanced Zodiac hero, like me.

Philza: Oh Tommy, you grew more powerful each and every day. Even if you had sepsis last year and blood loss due to Andrew removing the thing in your arm a few months ago.

Tommy: It's called a PICC line, it's for me to get meds intravenously whenever my low blood pressure is super bad.

Philza: I don't care what it is.

Toby: Back off!

Philza: Not until you, Tommy and Wilbur betray this team.

Toby: Never! I will keep my loyalty to this team until my short life is done. 

We all continuously fought Philza but he is so undefeatable. I wonder what's going on with the other team members because I am more familiar with Andrew and Dream's fighting tactics instead of Philza's. Neither of us had fought him before. But let's see what's going on with the others.

Delilah's POV

The team and I were fighting Dream and Andrew based on the memory of how they fought. I really felt bad that Zach and his team were fighting Philza, an immortal being but Zach's too stubborn to give up. Anyway, I really wished Zach could see Aimee and Cassie's skills, they are naturals. But whatever, I just wanted to get Andrew and Dream back to Pandora's Vault, right where they belong.

Aimee: How are we going to defeat those jerks?

Delilah: We needed to send them back to Pandora's Vault, right where they belong.

Cassie: Why that place out of all places?

Gerald: Because Pandora's Vault is a maximum-security prison, no one could escape that place.

Calum: All except Chase and Medusa.

Gerald: Yeah.

Darryl: And I know one of the best security guards of that place. Yet I don't know why Dark spirits escape.

Charlie D: And plus, only spirits with teleportation powers could have access to the prison complex.

Nick: Zach has teleportation powers.

Jacob: So do I.

Andrew: Ha! Think again, you're never going to get us back to the prison.

Delilah: Oh yes we will.

Rena: So, what are we going to do?

Gerald: We do have a plan in mind.

Dream attacked us and we luckily dodged. Gerald then told us the plan on how we could get Dream and Andrew back to prison. He still is the natural born leader I remembered him as even if our current leaders are fighting Philza.

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