Chapter 5

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"THE AWFUL SHOCKS ALL AROUND, " Rahul poked his head in the laptop.
"I want to read."

Jinks solemnly handed him the laptop and made him a space to sit, patting it.

"Learn something from jinks, Virat," Harry muttered.

"Shut up," Virat replied.

"When they went downstairs for dinner, Jinks grinned widely at their friends and waved, which was out of character, but no one read much into it then."

"Why am I even doing this?!" Jinks wondered.

"Because you're my best friend," Virat reached out to pull jinks' nose again, and knowing virat very well, Jinks didn't oppose.

"Jinks sat down next to Rohit and Virat sat down across them." Rahul read.

Meanwhile, Mahi bhai glanced at the clock, and returned to the story, and shocked, again glanced back at the clock.

"Read the rest of it tomorrow," He immediately commanded. "Have you seen the time?"

"No, we want to read more," Harry protested.

Virat had a look at the clock.

"WHAT? IT'S 3:45 AM IDIOTS!" He hollered.

"Point one, cheeku," Mahi bhai calmly said. "Is that you're one of these idiots. And point two is, didn't you just read out the time?"

"Yes," Virat replied.

"What's it?"

"3:45 am,"

"And WHY would you scream so loudly at 3:45 in the morning?"

Virat bit his tongue and pushed everyone out of the room warning them to be on time for tomorrow's training session. Grumbling, everyone scurried out to their own rooms to try and get some sleep before tomorrow's early morning session.


"Rahuuuuulllllll," Harry called out his bestie for the umpteenth time in the 5-minute water break.

"WHAT??!!" Rahul sighed, exasperatedly.

"Let's read it naaaaaa," Harry whined.

"I-" Rahul began,

"Read what, Harry???" Virat's voice reached him just in time, as Harry turned his head towards his direction in a slow-motion to see Virat glaring daggers at him.

Harry twisted the bottle's cap back to it's place as he returned his laps; whistling innocently as he passed by Virat.

A few hours later, the ICT was back in their team bus; this time, silently- and no one on their phones or with their headphones on.

As Virat climbed in the last, he was baffled to see everyone grinning like Cheshire cats with their eyes on him.

"What?" He questioned, confused.

Jassi grinned.

Rohit grinned.

Harry grinned.

Yuzi grinned.

And then, Virat caught on to the point.

"Ha!" He grinned back too.

"Where are Radhika and Aarya?" asked Jinks in an unusually cheerful voice, and Virat mentally lauded Jinks' acting." Rahul immediately started.

"Rohit looked a little thrown off-balance and he said, "They're in my room, since yours was locked. They're going to Radhika's uncle's house for the night."

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