Chapter 4

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"JINKS’ GUILT TRIP," Virat read.

"Give it to me, Virat," Jinks stopped him midway, "I want to read!"



"NO!" Harry yelled.

"YES!" Jaddu screeched.

"Shut.Up." Mahi bhai sighed. "Give the laptop to Jinks, cheeku,"

Virat tried to protest- but ended up handing the laptop to Jinks, anyway.

"The ICT thundered into the hotel few hours later, yelling at the top of their
voices for no reason. Aarya was yelling right along with them--she hadn't cried even once since meeting her uncles, and Radhika was in shock, because she hadn't been able to stop her daughter from crying a single hour since she was born before this."

"She would've screamed with us if Virat had let us hold her," Grumbled Rohit. "He took her all to himself and cuddled her straight for 2 hours, ALONE!"

"She likes me the most," Virat boasted.

"No, me!" Rohit protested.





"God, shut up, you two!" Jinks huffed. "She likes all of you equally,"

"No. She likes me the most," Virat stated.

"ME, I SAID," Rohit shouted.

"CHEEKU!" Mahi bhai called out. "Rohit!"

Within a millisecond, the room was silent again.

"Thank you, mahi bhai," Jinks gestured before reading ahead.

"VIRAT! VIRAT!" shouted Rohit up the stairs. "CAN YOU STOP YOUR STUPID
Virat, who had been watching a movie, hastily shut his laptop and surrounded
himself with papers just as his door banged opened and Rohit came in, followed by the rest of the team, Hardik carrying Aarya."

"And the Oscar goes to Virat kohli," Bhuvi sighed.

"And how did you let this moron hold arya??!!" Rahul wondered with a shocked expression.

"I'm a father myself, shutup!" Harry protested.

"If not for Nat, harry," Jaddu grinned, "Agastya would've learnt some classically amazing curses before A-B-C-D,"

The room howled with laughter as harry sulked.

"Had you all gone somewhere?" asked Virat.
"We went to pick up Aarya and Radhika from the airport," said Jinks.
Virat stared at Jinks for a moment before looking away, and said, "Oh...
great."Jinks straightaway felt that something was wrong."

"Wrong, Virat," Ash chuckled. "Fooling poor jinks around,"

Jinks huffed. "He's my best Friend," He said. "It's obvious I don't like when he sulks,"

"Aww, jinks," Virat grinned and reached out to pull his cheeks.

"OWW!" Jinks grimaced, rubbing his red face and nose that Virat pinched.

"What happened, Vi? he asked anxiously when Virat took Aarya from Hardik's arms.
Nothing much, said Virat casually. I didn't know you were going to bring

"And you believed it," Rohit howled with laughter. " Trust me jinks. You should've told mahi bhai,"

"Shut up Ro," Virat deadpanned.

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