Return of a friend.

Start from the beginning

Spectra: I understand your frustration, I will not fail. But these things take time, my lord.

Hydron: Well okay then. I'm counting on you, Spectra. It would be unwise to disappoint me. I expect to hear good news from you soon.

He said before snapping his fingers and the screen disappears.

Meanwhile, Spectra and Gus were at the Vexus' meeting room.

Spectra: You spoiled little brat.

Gus: I take complete responsibility, Master. My failure has cause you continued disfavor.

Spectra: Not so. You've accomplished much, Gus. Our spoiled prince is just throwing a childish tantrum. He wants new toys.

Gus got closer before whispering.

Gus: Careful, Master. You never know who could be listening on us.

Spectra: Let them listen. Come, there is much to do.

*Time skip*

The brawlers were at the operations room as Ace displayed a map.

Ace: If we follow this route, we should get close to the city undetected.

Barren: I could have us there by sundown, guys. Pedal to the medal!

He said before taking a bite to a sandwich.

Marucho: So we're actually entering enemy territory now.

Dan: It's about time we started destroying these controllers. Man, the Vexus are gonna freak out!

Drago: Dan, stay focused.

Mira: Hold on, I have something else to discuss.

But before she could start they notice Dan looking strained.

Drago: Is something wrong.

Dan: Nothing... I just have to go...

Drago: Too much information.

Y/N: Just go.

Dan exits the room before heading to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, a small bug-like robot flew inside the base's vents and when it entered the base, it saw Dan exiting the bathroom.

???: Greetings, Dan Kuso.

Dan turns around and sees Gus.

Dan: Gus?! What is a Vexus doing here?! How did you get into our headquarters?!

He said before charging at him but phased through.

Dan: Oh, I get it. You're just a hologram.

Gus: I warn you, today I will take your Drago away.

Dan: As if!

Gus: I understand if you refuse y challenge, after losing to me once you're probably afraid. However, if you do have the guts to take me on. My little spy will lead you right to me.

Dan: Come here, you.

He said before grabbing the robot.

Dan: I'll take you on.

Meanwhile, back at the operation's room.

Ace: Are you nuts?! You want to postpone destroying the dimension controllers and go off a wild goose chase?!

Mira: My brother will be a great help if we can find him!

Ace: Just let it go! We have too many distractions already! We're supposed to be freeing the bakugan!

Dark Brawler: Defenders of Vestroia(Bakugan New Vestroia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now