welcome to avonlea

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"Remind me why we are moving to Avonlea again?" Charlotte questioned

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"Remind me why we are moving to Avonlea again?" Charlotte questioned. The 14 year old girl clearly frustrated as she sat in a chair and stared through the window, at her soon to be old town.

"Because," Meg started while she continued to pack her flourish dresses.

"Mother and father have found a decent suitor for me to marry." She struggled fitting all her clothes in the small sized suitcase.

"And he lives there!" she squealed when she finally managed to close the suitase, which was full with clothes that definetly did not fit. Charlotte let out a sigh, not even daring to look her sister's way.

Meg walked over to where Charlotte was sitting, before embracing her in a tight hug.

"Dont be like that, for all that you know you could meet the love of your life in that town" teased the older girl with a smirk across her face. The blonde rolled her eyes at this.

"What could I possibly have done in any past life to deserve such an annoying sister" said Charlotte dramatically while she looked up as if she were asking the universe.

"What did I do to deserve such a bitter sister?" questioned back the brunette. Meg let out a small laugh as her sister smacked her hands away. Silence filled the room as both sisters went back to doing their own thing. Charlotte hesitated before finally speaking again.

"Are you not worried that you will marry someone you never even saw? What if he is all ugly and weird?" asked Charlotte, refering to Meg's fiancée. The brunette just looked back at her sister, not quite knowing what to say.

"I mean," continued the blonde, "you have never met him after all. He could be 50 and bald and you wouldn't even know." said Charlotte finally standing up and walking to her sister's side. Meg struggled for words, and her face grew red.

"Lottie! Don't say things like that" finally said the girl, who accidentally dropped the pair of shoes she had in hand.

"Why?" a witty smile creeped on the younger girl's face. "Are you scared it might be true? Don't worry sissy, if it is true Im sure you will get used to it. Maybe you will even develop a weird liking for baldness."

"Alright that is enough!" Meg increased her tone, and so did the red in her cheeks. She was desperatley in need to stop the conversation.

"I was only joking." Added Charlotte, as she wrapped her arm around Meg. "I am sure mother and father would just go to the moon and back if that meant they would find you a prince charming." With that said, the girl let go of her sister and walked towards the door. She turned back once more, before stepping out of the room

"They would not marry you off to a bald 50 year old man... let's hope" she joked, causing Meg to glare at her younger sister.


"Aren't you girls just delighted to move into this new little town?" asked Julia Beaumont with a ridiculous tone and a fake smile. The family was sitting in the first class area, meanwhile the train traveled in destination to Avonlea.

"Oh mother, I am just so pleased to finally meet John" Meg clapped her hands together and talked in a dreamy voice.

"Yes, I am sure he is balding out of excitment to meet you as well." commented Charlotte, never taking her eyes off her book. Meg snapped her head towards her sister and narrowed her eyes.

"Charlotte, what I've told you about using words like that?" asked Julia, while shaking her head in dissaproval.

"That they are not lady-like and I should not use them" responded the girl as she rolled her eyes, but turning towards the window not risking her mother would see her and give her a whole new lecutre.

After several long and awkward minutes of silence, Paul Beaumont finally looked away from his newspaper and turned to his wife and daughters.

"We should be arriving in half and hour or so." All three women nodded their head at this. His voice was deep and husky, but kind and warm nevertheless. Charlotte's father was a very kind and lovable man.
He was a compassionate and thoughtful person as well, who loved his two daughters with all his life.

But Paul was a rather handsome man, he would charm every person he met. A specific trait that often caused Julia to grow jealous about it, eventhough he was a devoted husband and terrific father.

Since Charlotte had memory, her and her sister had a particulary strong bond with their father. He would always spoil his girls with wonderous gifts and always made sure to spend a lot of time together as they grew up. Charlotte had always wondered, how is it that a charitable man like her father, could end up marrying someone as vain as her mother.

"I am so excited for you girls to see the house, it is absolutely beautiful." Said the girls' mother cheerishly, in hopes of difusing the silence.

"It has a huge libary for you too Charlotte" added Paul. Charlotte's face brighten up when she heard this. She loved reading dearly, and so she appreciated that her father would remember that.

Soon after, the train came to a stop and the family had finally arrived to the long awaited Avonlea. Different thoughts about the arrival were silently floating off in the air. Meg was extremly excited but nervous, for obvious reasons. Julia was surprisingly happy and pleased about moving to a new town. Paul was nostalgic, as he was returing to the town where he grew up in. Lastly was Charlotte, who was not exactly thrilled about the situation.

She was not a fan of changes.

Charlotte stepped off the train, and immedeatly scanned her eyes through the station. She saw a bustling crowd of people getting off and on the train. The blonde let out a frustrated and annoyed sigh, and something told her that she would be doing a lot of that soon.

At last, the family arrived to their new home. Eventhough she hated to admit it, Charlotte's mother was right. The house was as beautiful as she could ever imagine. It was all made of neat white bricks had wide beautiful windows. It was three stories tall and was even bigger than her last home, which was already pretty big considering the family's money.

The house had a french style to it, which caused the blonde to smile. This meant it would always remind her of her true home back in France. Right outside to the house, there laid a beautiful garden with rose bushes and lilies.

Charlotte turned her head to the side when she heard loud noises. Her smile grew wider as she saw a huge barn with different animals inside and spotted her new favorite place. Looking around the property, the girl noticied a wooden letter that read 'Beaumont Château'.

The blonde looked back at the house with excitment and hapiness filling her body. At least there would be one thing to look forward to, she tought.

As soon as she walked through the grand doors of the house, she was greeted by a woman in a black and white uniform.

"Hello Miss Beaumont, I hope you had a pleasant trip." Said the woman as she grabbed the suitcases. "Welcome to Avonlea" she added while smiling warmly before disappearing into the huge house.

Charlotte was a bit taken a back, but then remebered something her mother rambled on about getting a new maid. She took a close look of the house from the inside.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, she thought to herself while a small grin formed in her pink lips.

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