4 - Starting Line

Start from the beginning

"That was awesome, man!" the blonde boy exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, his voice tinged with admiration as he extended a thumbs-up gesture towards me, his blond hair tousled from the intensity of the battle. "I'm Mashirao Ojiro, by the way."

"Name's Tatsuya Akiba. Nice to meet you," I replied with a nod, mirroring his gesture.

Before Ojiro could inquire further, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by a violent rumbling that reverberated through the streets, causing buildings to tremble and sway ominously. A collective sense of unease washed over us as we exchanged bewildered glances, the sudden disturbance disrupting the relative calm of the aftermath.

As other examinees darted past us in a frantic bid for safety, I shifted my attention towards the source of their alarm, my eyes widening in disbelief at the sight that greeted me. Towering over the skyline, a colossal robot loomed ominously, its mechanical form casting a long shadow over the crumbling cityscape.

"That's the zero-pointer?!" The realization hit me like a thunderbolt, sending a shiver of dread down my spine. Shock and disbelief mingled on my face as I turned to Ojiro, who mirrored my horrified expression.

"LESS THAN TWO MINUTES REMAINING!" Present Mic's urgent voice boomed over the chaotic scene, punctuating the air with a sense of urgency as Ojiro bolted away, his figure swiftly disappearing into the fray.

Amidst the flurry of movement and noise, a distinct aroma wafted through the air, carrying with it a mixture of human presence and an underlying hint of unease. The scent, faint yet unmistakable, beckoned from the left sidewalk, drawing my attention like a magnet. Though no visible figure stood before me, my heightened sense of smell never failed to guide me. Driven by instinct, I propelled myself forward in a swift sprint, determined to uncover the source of the enigmatic fragrance.

Each stride propelled me closer to the elusive target, my senses honed and anticipation mounting with each passing moment. Then, suddenly, my momentum came to an abrupt halt as my shoulder collided with an unexpected obstacle.

"OW! Be careful!" A startled voice, tinged with a hint of irritation, pierced through the clamor, bringing me to an abrupt stop.

"Sorry about- huh?" I began, my words trailing off as I glanced around, searching for the source of the voice. To my bewilderment, there was nothing visible in my immediate surroundings, yet the lingering scent in the air hinted at a presence nearby. Though unseen, the faint aroma persisted, its subtle nuances shifting from fear to a hint of annoyance.

Determined to uncover the mystery, I crept closer, my senses heightened as I sought out the person responsible for the elusive fragrance, lowering myself to my knees in the process. "Where are—"

"W-what are you doing?! D-don't look!" The urgency in her voice was palpable as she interrupted my search, her words laced with anxiety. Before I could react, a hand pressed against my face, attempting to redirect my gaze.

"Hey! Even if I want to look, I can't see you, genius!" I retorted, a note of irritation creeping into my tone as I swatted her hand away. Confusion mingled with my annoyance as I registered the sensation of skin against my palm, instead of the expected fabric of clothing.

"S-sorry," she stammered, her apology tinged with embarrassment as I hesitated, unsure where to direct my attention. With cautious movements, I began to scan my surroundings, relying on instinct to guide me in the absence of sight. "I'm right in front of you," she offered, her voice a reassuring anchor in the midst of uncertainty.

"Oh. So, your Quirk makes you invisible, huh?" I remarked, the realization dawning upon me as I vocalized my thoughts. As the words left my lips, my senses sharpened, attuned to the faintest of sounds. In an instant, the approaching danger became evident, prompting me to pivot on my heel, my heart pounding in my chest, to face the impending threat.

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