I Need You (Leon x Reader) Fluff!

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Reader is in danger and needs Leon. Cute/funny/corny ending.

Warning: Reference to a weapon and physical violence.

2k+ words.



I smiled gleefully to myself, I had just picked up a wonderful gift for my boyfriend, Leon. I was on my way to surprise him when he got off of work. Leon's a busy guy, but he always manages to find time for us. He often sneaks out of important meetings to surprise me at my own work, but today the tables have turned.

I skipped down the busy streets of Wyndon, the sun was setting fast, and many others were getting off work as well and beginning their commutes home. I watched them pass by me with mild curiosity, each person going about their daily business. I smiled at a particularly cute young woman walking an even cuter Yamper.

As I walked along, the crowd began to thin out. I noticed that I was passing fewer and fewer people. Until there were none. I stopped and looked around. It was never this quiet, especially this close to the Battle Tower. I stood for a moment, calculating why the street would be so empty.

With a new frown on my face, I clutched my bag close to my body and picked up speed once again. I didn't like not being surrounded by people here, it seemed wrong in a place that was always bustling. I heard a sound behind me and stopped. I whipped around, but there was no one.

I stared in the direction of the sound, every muscle stiff. I suddenly got a dreadful feeling. I was about to sprint in the direction of the tower, which wasn't far away now. But I was yanked sideways by my arm. I let out a surprised and terrified shriek.

In a whirl of motion, I was yanked and slammed to a wall, hurting my head. I think I was pulled into the alleyway, but I didn't get much time to look around before I was punched in the face. I yelped and shrank against the wall. I wanted to fight back, but a strong arm pinned me across the shoulders.

"W-what do you want!?" I managed to question the person, wincing as my face stung.

"Give me your bag!" I felt something icy cold and metal jammed against my side.

I gulped and nodded furiously. I was utterly terrified, but I managed to push my bag in the robber's direction. "O-okay. Take it." I squeezed my eyes shut and waited.

The icy barrel was shoved harder into my side for a moment while the arm that was pinning my shoulders pulled away. I felt the robber forcefully pull my bag out of my hands, the barrel left my side then I heard hastily retreating footsteps.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and opened my eyes. I looked wildly around to make sure the robber wasn't lying in wait for me to move just so they could kill me. The more I breathed, the more I felt the tears begin to well up. Within moments I was sobbing.

I sat there trying to calm myself enough to be rational, but to no avail, I didn't know what to do.

Then as if in answer, I felt a buzz in my back pocket. My phone! It wasn't in my bag! I hurriedly pulled it out of my pocket.

My fingers fluttered over the screen in a panic. I hit the green call button.

It rang.

And rang.

My heart sank as the final ring sounded, I closed my eyes.

*Click* "Hello?" My eyes shot open at the sound of Leon's deep voice on the line, he sounded out of breath like he had run for the phone.

Pokemon SM & SWSH male characters x Fem! reader one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora