"Wanna make it 5, it could be arranged," she spits.

"No, no violence," Francesca interrupts protectively shielding me from Luna who tries to kick at my ankle.

"I need to go, I have some alterations to finish but text me what we decide," Maya interrupts our argument. We all say our goodbyes to her and then she hurries off.

"Last Goldfish, you want it Ryder?" Luna asks while tipping the container toward me.

"Nah we are going out to lunch but thanks Luna."

Luna nods before popping the last of the snack into her mouth. "I am already late for class but seriously Parker think of something better," Luna says before walking away.

"It is terrifying seeing them be civil," Parker remarks to Francesca.

"God I know. The two biggest assholes I know and they both love Goldfish, someone should study that."

"Hey, fucking rude," I protest.

"I'm sorry," Francesca coos, pinching my cheeks as Parker laughs while I swat her away in frustration.

"Well, now I feel like a third wheel so I will also be leaving. Bye kids, don't do anything me and Bray wouldn't do." Parker blows us a kiss and winking as goes, leaving just me and Francesca alone on the bench.

"Where to for lunch?" Francesca asks as I stand up and start walking to the exit.

"I was thinking we'd go grab something quick at chipotle after going to see Josh and Barb."

"Why are we going to see them?" she asks looking up at me.

"I haven't seen them since before I got hurt and we haven't told them about us, I figured they should hear it from us what they caused."

"Oh that sounds good, are they at the rink?"

"Already texted them."

I drive to the rink while Francesca blasts Taylor Swift with all the windows down. I am not sure if Taylor Swift is on tour but if she is I really want to get Francesca tickets. I never told my parents about me living with the Becketts, so I will have a lot of extra money this summer and she is the only person I want to spend it on.

When we get to the rink Francesca runs from the car before I can ever fully stop. "Beck, that is cheating!" I yell after her as I put the car in park then chase after her.

I may be injured still but I have longer legs so catching up to her isn't all that difficult. I am right on her heels as she throws the office door open and we both nearly trip on each other trying to get in first.

"I am having flashbacks," Josh laughs. We did something very similar thing exactly 14 weeks ago. "Kids, unfortunately I still can't change your ice time, you're stuck together."

"Well shit, that sucks," I laugh. "Where is Barb?" I ask as I look around.

"Hot chocolate," Josh says simply and I smile. Of course she is, why did I even ask.

"Fran I didn't know you were coming," Josh notes as he slips his reading glasses off and watches her perch herself on the window sill. I lean on it next to her, my arm behind her back because god forbid we go more than a few seconds in the same room without touching.

"Neither did I," she answers honestly. "I was kidnapped."

I roll my eyes as I look at her with a bored look. "No one would want to kidnap you Beck."

"You tried to kidnap me once."

"I threatened to, that is different." I won't deny it, some time, many months ago when I saw her walking in the cold, I told her she had two choices: get in my car or I was going to kidnap her. She made the smart choice and got in the car willingly.

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