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*Spoilers Ahead (Obviously)* 

I've been wanting to write this chapter for a while, but it took a long time for me to find an english translation of this song. So now that I've found it, let's talk about mothy's newest song! 

The song in question is called Saribitotachi No Waltz, or Waltz of The Departed. It was written by mothy to celebrate the Evillious collaboration event for the game Project Sekai: COLORFUL STAGE! This song is performed by the character Rin Chan for the inhabitants of the Third Period at a banquet. Said banquet is held as both a farewell and last hurrah before everyone moves on to the new world (the Fourth Period, or Unlock City) created by Allen and Riliane. 

I really enjoyed this song with all its references and sweet moments. And the PV gave us a LOT to talk about! Starting with new official character art! We FINALLY got to see Rin Chan before her face lift (those freckles!) and Yufina Marlon (even if it's only her backside)! 

 And the PV gave us a LOT to talk about! Starting with new official character art! We FINALLY got to see Rin Chan before her face lift (those freckles!) and Yufina Marlon (even if it's only her backside)! 

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Random uncalled-for nitpick: Karchess, y'all got your hands in the wrong place! Putting your hand on your dance partner's waist is EXTREMELY rude, and she has every right to slap you! But if you were to place your hand just beneath her shoulder bl...

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Random uncalled-for nitpick: Karchess, y'all got your hands in the wrong place! Putting your hand on your dance partner's waist is EXTREMELY rude, and she has every right to slap you! But if you were to place your hand just beneath her shoulder blade where it's supposed to be, you would be able to lead her through the dance better and stay respectful. But I'm probably the only person in the fandom with any kind of ballroom dance training, so who cares? 

Anyway, let's get back on track. I know I'm not the only one who was melting over the fact that Hansel/Lemy got a chance to hear his friend sing one last time before leaving on Banica's castle-ship to alternate dimensions. Come on! How can you see this and not smile? 

 Come on! How can you see this and not smile? 

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Evillious Blurbs, Ideas, & ExplanationsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora