Chapter 22

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Philip sat in the living room with three pairs of eyes on him. He hadn't seen his family in years and it just felt weird. They were all silent for quite some time before his sister broke the silence.

"What are you doing back, Philip?" Paige asked suspiciously. He knew he deserved that. He didn't really leave on the best of terms. There was a lot that was said and scars that were left by his accord.

"I have a mate." Philip finally spoke up causing his mother to gasp happily. "This is wonderful! Where is she?" Philip shook his head. "I don't want her. I want to reject her, but if I do, I'll die."

His father looked at him confusedly before it clicked. "You're mated to a Draven." It was Paige's turn to gasp. "Freya or Aslan Draven?" Philip sighed before answering. Paul nodded his head. "The witch and werewolf hybrid. Fitting." Philip gave him a glare. "How is that fitting?"

"Werewolves are the most emotional of the supernatural creatures and witches are all about balance. You, my son, are both emotionless and imbalanced. The irony of it all is quite comical." Philip wanted to rip his father's head off of his body and judging by the look he sported he realized it.

"Why would you reject her, Philip?" His mother's sad eyes never got to him until now. Even though he was miles away from her, Freya was still wreaking havoc on him.

"She's too much. I feel everything when I'm with her and I hate it. Even now...miles away from her I feel. The moment I met her it was like I was drowning in surprise and happiness. When she's upset it's like I'm suffocating. And when she's hurting..."

Philip remembered the time he saw his mate in his townhome. Eyes filled with a dejected pain that he felt in his chest. "I don't want or need her. Mating her would be the worst thing for me, because I know I'd feel everything and that's not what I want."

Paige scoffed. "What's so bad about feeling, Philip? What's so wrong about being and feeling alive instead of some mindless robot?" Philip looked at his sister whose eyes were filled with anger.

"You all might have embraced being these vampires who play humans and the joys of the rollercoaster emotions that comes with it, but that's not me!" Paige stood up angrily. "Why are you like this? We grew up the same! We lived in the same house and yet not once did you ever try!"

Philip didn't want to listen to this. It was the same old conversation between him and his sister. "Philip, baby, tell me about your mate. What does she like? What are some of her favorite things?"

Prue Wang knew what she was doing. Her husband and daughter were always so combative when it came to Philip, but she felt kindness and subtle distractions were key. Philip knew more about Freya from watching her while in hell. He realized so many things while there, especially the fact that he never asked simple details about her life, likes or dislikes.

"She's sunshine personified. She loves the color purple and is an excellent programmer. She wants to code for her family's company like her mother. She loves Mexican food and watches a movie called Encanto almost weekly. She cares about her family something fierce and honestly she's just a good person."

Prue smiled at her son as he told them things about his mate. Prue knew he wasn't aware that though he didn't smile his eyes lit up like the brightest match. "If she's so amazing, why can't you be with her?" Paul questioned angrily. Prue wanted to slap her husband.

Philip glared at his father. "What part of me saying I don't like the way she makes me feel do you not understand? I don't know why you keep trying to change me. This is who I am. You've called me heartless, emotionless and robotic and I'm fine with that because that is who I am." Prue shook her head no.

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