Mikayla felt lonely in her thinking which was comical since she was alone in a world created for her by her niece for fifteen years. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Bael who cradled her daughter.

She felt eyes on her and immediately cursed herself. She often times forgot what her husbands were. She also forgot what they could do and as she felt their eyes on her she realized they had all read every thought she just had.

"She's fine. She was just lonely." Bael said in his deep voice that seemed to shake them. "Her name is Lyssa and she's going to give Wrath a run for his money in the anger department." Bael chuckled.

"Fury doesn't know anything per se, but they do feel one another. You'll probably see them trade off like this whenever they need something." Bael spoke. "Can we talk to her?" Greed asked causing Bael to shake his head. "Not yet, but Mammon and the others can try."

They watched as one by one demon forms took over and cradled the infant. Bael smiled at his brothers before noticing Mikayla's forlorn look. He took Lyssa from Asmodeus before walking over to Mikayla.

They all watched as she wiped away tears from her eyes and Harlow's heart broke. She couldn't believe she didn't see what was obviously heavy on her best friend's heart. Bael kissed Lyssa's forehead before leaning forward and doing the same to Mikayla.

She blinked her eyes and looked at the demon before gasping and looking at her child. It was a small whisper, but Mikayla heard her. Lyssa had called her Mama and it brought fresh tears to her eyes.

She took the demon into her arms before smothering her in kisses. Lyssa squealed happily before latching onto one of Mikayla's braids. "Little girl, you start pulling I'm going to do the same to you." The threat caused the two to laugh and it warmed the sins' hearts.

Demon or not, Mikayla knew the signs when her daughters were hungry and Lyssa was about to blow the spot up. "I need to feed them." Mikayla said standing up. "I'll help." Harlow said grabbing Emrys.

"Does she not cry at all?" Harlow asked causing the sins and Mikayla to shake their heads. "Too much effort." Sloth said with a shrug already knowing his daughter would be lazier than he was.

Harlow fed Emrys with a bottle of breastmilk, while Mikayla fed Fury straight from her breast. "I feel like you were pregnant for a millisecond." Harlow said causing Mikayla to chuckle. "I was, wasn't I. Lucifer couldn't even explain it. He just chalked it up to something to do with who the sins were." Harlow nodded her head.

"So, how were they during the pregnancy? I hope they were on their best behavior." Mikayla nodded with a smile. "They were amazing and somehow always anticipated my needs. I usually hate when they read my mind, but there were times that I would want something and it would just appear. They were on it."

Harlow smiled at her best friend. "You deserve it, best friend. You going to do like me and wait a few years or are you trying to knock out these seven back-to-back?" Mikayla shook her head vehemently.

"We're definitely going to wait until these two are at least 3 years old. I want time to bond with them before the next one. They might be my only multiples too, so I know I can't wait too long in case the age gaps get too wide."

Harlow chuckled. "They won't be your only multiples. Those fools are ready to knock you up again." Mikayla shook her head knowing she was right.

"I need the time, best friend. When I found out I was pregnant I felt so guilty, because happiness wasn't my first reaction. It was my idea to try, but I don't think I realized it would happen so fast. I knew folks that tried for years."

Harlow hummed at her. "That is the case for mortals and some supernatural creatures but not demons. That sperm is A 1!" Mikayla chuckled at her. "I don't know...we got a second chance to be newlyweds and to enjoy married life just the eight of us and I just figured we'd have time to do that while trying to conceive."

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