spill the tea gorya

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Finally I got you thyme...Harin, I am asking you answer me?? Ishwar asked me with wrath and a tint of jealousy.
He is my love of my life... I whispered with my sparkling eyes pooled with tears and I am sure that inaudible for him.

What?? I can't hear you, say louder he told completely pissed off... It's my personal, I think so it's better if you keep your mouth shut I told him coldly. His face turned red because of anger and embarrassment. Did I hurt you Ishwar?? If you're feeling hurt then I am not sorry because....on that day I too felt the same pain and still I'm feeling.

What makes you feel like that harin?? He asked me in flat tone. I looked at him in disbelief. Are you serious Ishwar?? Then why did you insult me infront of Anusha and now-- wait, I forgot one thing, I am not your girlfriend harini or your chick--

I'm just caring for you harin--- No you are just acting like you care!! Why do I have to act like I care, I really care for you, I do-- because of this face Ishwar, this stupid face I showed him by pointing the index finger at my face. This face belongs to your girlfriend and that's the only reason you are with me, and guess what if I do something to this---

He slammed me against the storeroom wall and pinned my hands above my head. Leav-e me I wiggled and tried to push him. Don't dare to lay your hand on your face he told me in intimidating voice which makes me shiver, but still I kept my normal face.

You're talking too much harin, don't think that I will tolerate everything and if you again say anything nonsense about her face I don't think twice to do anything to you.

Threatening me will not work Ishwar, I have gone through everything, I am not the soft girl you think, I am gorya, I can do anything I told him with the same tone....I pushed him and walked away....

Ishwar's pov : Who is gorya?? Who is that bastard?? Don't worry sweetheart I will figure out everything and we will solve together.

I just need to find thyme and I have many things to ask--- Ouch!! Can't you see proper-- I stopped in middle and widened my eyes 👀 RAHUL!!! I jumped on him and hugged him like a koala 🐨

Woah!!😳 girl leave me,I just came back from hospital today don't break my back again, he mocked me. Whatever idc 😑 I told him bluntly. Is my little kitten is angry he tilted his head. I can't lie, rahul was looking freaking handsome. His smooth, milky white skin and his pimples totally making me drool 🤤 at him.

I know I am handsome, stop staring at me creepily he said while flipping his hair. I rolled my eyes at him, wait aren't you supposed to be school at tomorrow?? Well... I heard that you missed me and my beautiful face so--- I cut him off by saying, uhh don't think of you too high, you are nothing compared to my lee know, Alright girl, please don't start your lee know's history. Umm actually harin, I have many things to talk with you rahul said in serious tone. Can I ask you??

With me?? He nodded. Ok then carry on I told him casually. Not here, come with me he said dragging to the rooftop.

I was panting heavily, ra-hu-l wh-y a-re we he-re?? See by yourself he said while leaving my side, When I looked up my friends were there and ISHWAR!! What is he doing here?? What you guys are doing here??

Harin,We know you are confused about why we all were here, but we need something to sort out between us, Susheela said. Sort out?? I asked  knitting my eyebrows 🤨

Yes, we need to know everything about you, why you and harini have same faces?? who is thyme?? Why you were called for investigation? There is no information about your past school in your certificate and what about your name it's harin or gorya?? And what about this?? Rahul showed me a photo in which me and thyme in each other's embrace from yesterday. I frowned, guys, I- I jus-t liste-n Just spill the tea gorya Ishwar told me but the way he pronounce gorya sends chills down. I sighed in defeat. I hunged my head down in embarrassment, guiltiness rushed through me.

Rahul stepped infront of me and lifted me by my chin, don't be nervous,we will always be with you,we will never leave your side....

I'm lee gorya....

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