Lightning in a Sandstorm

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Cole tried, he tried as hard as he could to make it there faster but the expression "fast as lightning" exists for a reason.

One second the blue energy was in front of him, the next it was on the deck of the bounty with Kai, Lloyd, and Pixal standing in its way.

"the primal instincts of the spirit's pure power overload any sense of thought the soul has so he'd destroy anything that came in his way!"

The sand around Cole twisted around him and suddenly he was on the deck with them. Everyone was suddenly thrown off their feet as the bounty lurched into the air.


"What else am I supposed to do!? It's not like the bounty has faraday shields!" He shouted back.

Cole didn't know what to do. They needed to stop Lightning before it got to Jay but how do you stop a force of nature?

An idea popped into his head. He ran into the command center where Zane was trying to steer. The radar beeped and blared and Cole saw what he was looking for.

"Zane! Turn us sixty degrees North and keep straight!"

"What?! But there's a sandstorm that way!"



"How long do these normally take?" Cole asked sticking his face to the window.

"Eh it depends this one's pretty minor so probably only a few hours." Jay said sitting down across from him on the booth table in the trailer, setting down a steaming cup of hot chocolate for Cole and tea for himself.

"These storms are so crazy I can't see anything but sand!" Cole always liked watching the sandstorms at Jay's home. Sand was just another form of earth and it was hard to feel more connected to earth than when it's literally blowing all around you.

"Yeah they're pretty cool for you I suppose... Hey check this out!" Jay said hopping up to the door. He carefully stuck the top of his head outside into the whirlwind before slamming the door shut again. "Ta-da!"

The black ninja had to hold back a snort. Jay's hair was so covered in Sand it almost looked blonde and with the windblown look he almost- "YOU LOOK LIKE KAI!" Cole wheezed clutching his chest laughing far too hard.

Jay struck a pose with a snobbish face. "Kai wishes he looked this good." For a second Cole stopped and there was silence before both of them devolved into a mess of laughter so gut busting tears formed in their eyes.

Jay shook like a dog getting the sand from his hair all over the place. Quickly as he did though he went to the back and grabbed a dust pan.

"Do you mind if...?"

Cole swished his hand and all the little particles swept into the tray for Jay to deposit into the trash can.

Jay sat down beside him this time and laid his head down on Cole's shoulder. If the lightning ninja noticed how much more red the earth ninja's face had gotten he didn't show it.

"I always hated these storms the sand hair thing is one of the only things that I like about them. The sand always makes it hard for me to concentrate for some reason like it sucks the energy right out of me... Having you here makes it pretty bearable I guess."

Yep, his face was definitely at maximum capacity for turning red. Thing is though... Jay's almost looked a little pink now too... Probably nothing, Jay's almost always sunburnt, it's nothing, probably, definitely, maybe.

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