Overload Pt 2

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"Hello ninja."

"Anthony? What- what is this?!" Cole yelled and tried to decide between looking at the worker who had just appeared from behind the core or what looked like the true potential version of his best friend who was inside of it.

The small person just chuckled lightly. "It's actually Anthony Harlem Rose, but those ignorant pompous corporate bigshots call me-"


"Very good Nya! That's right! Ahr, always hated that name." Any trace of the kind sweet voice of the maintenance worker from yesterday was gone. Now he sounded cold, condescending, and calculating.

"What did you do to Jay!?"

"Oh yes quite interesting isn't it? Y'know I've spent my entire life fascinated by lightning I'm a bit of a ceraunophile, but your friend here is remarkable." He said tapping a fist against the glass and the lightning form of Jay reared back shrieking and blasting at the glass violently with no effect.

With narrowed eyes Cole leapt forward grabbing the scientist by the collar and slamming him against the glass.

Cole didn't notice the small crack that had formed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO" he roared and the very earth underneath the plant shook. Anthony Rose looked nothing if not calm.

"I found a solution to the energy crisis in ninjago."

"You. Better start giving me answers. BEFORE I TURN YOUR HEAD INTO A PANCAKE!"

Another chuckle from Rose, another slam onto the glass by Cole, another unnoticed crack in the glass of the core.

Nya put a hand on Cole's arm getting him to release Anthony from his grip. But his breath was still heaving with rage.

"You know lightning is such a unique element. It's powerful, unpredictable, ever changing, useful. Ever since I saw him out in the storm fields that one day I knew what I needed to do to save our city. So I began my research into your elemental powers and I came to some interesting conclusions. I knew if I wanted to help the city I'd need the unbridled power of the pure spirit of lightning but there was one issue. The host."

"He has a name." Nya growled. And once again Anthony let out an aggravating chuckle ignoring her.

"As it turned out you can't separate the spirit from the host completely. Even if you do separate the host and the spirit the spirit either re-enters the host or it finds a new one. I got stuck for a while but then I remembered that phenomenon you called your "true potential" forms. A form taken when the soul of the host and the spirit merge completely leaving behind the limitations of the body. I knew then the answer. All you have to do is forcefully separate the soul from the body and the spirit along with it! The two merge into one and as long as the body is kept alive then the soul doesn't pass on and it can't find a new host! It's genius!"

Cole was breathing heavily and he felt like he was gonna have a heart attack this guy couldn't be serious? He wasn't saying what he thinks he's saying right? Rose kept going though.

"The spirit stays connected to the body by the soul though so when the body is harmed the spirit and soul actually feel the pain. The mood changes to! While the pure lightning spirit would have no shape or even personality it gets dragged down by the soul's memory forcing it to take a shape out of habit and it also works in reverse! While the blue ninja's soul would never kill anyone the primal instincts of the spirit's pure power overload any sense of thought the soul has so he'd destroy anything that came in his way!"

"That's- That's crazy! You- you're insane!" Nya gasped out.

"Ah that's what everyone else said too but they're all gone now, the power source managed to get rid of them all during the transfer process but well, no risk no reward."

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