News Flash

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The entire city seemed to be buzzing the next morning. Turns out it wasn't just the monastery that had that weird power anomaly. All of Ninjago City had the power go out for a few seconds and then have it surge so badly that the entire place was going to be on backorder for lightbulbs for months. The only difference is, the monastery was the only place that had that horrific screaming.

In ways that was both good and more concerning. On one hand now the people of ninjago would have to live with the memory of their walls screaming from every direction and have their ears ringing for hours. On the other hand it confirmed that whatever that scream was it had to do with Jay.

Speaking of the blue ninja, after the power blew they had gotten him onto a hospital bed. Zane was still at the monastery examining him now.

It was morning now but even so it was weird being in the city while there were now lights. Ninjago always seemed to be glowing but now that it was only lit by the sun it gained a more peaceful tone, bright florescent pale yellow being swapped out for richer gold's and oranges of the sun.

Some things still worked televisions and charging ports and anything that had batteries that weren't plugged into an outlet, but anything like lightbulbs or heating and airconditioning units had all either blown a fuse or just plain blown up.

So today was a clean up day for the ninja. Everyone had spread across the city checking in on everyone making sure nobody was hurt and helping those who were.

They've had clean up days before pretty much after any main event in Ninjago. They all had their own special skills that were needed around the city so they would just divide and conquer. Nya was at the docks helping any ships that had electrical trouble, Kai and Lloyd were helping out anyone they could, and Pixal and Cole were doing heavy lifting for any electric cars or trains that went nuts during the surge.

It was honestly the most calm Cole had felt in a long time. Working, helping people in silence without all the noise that normally pulsed from the city. It was strange, he knew he should feel anxious about Jay and especially worried about the painful scream that was somehow connected to the blue ninja but his mind felt oddly at rest.

The sun was fading out by the time Cole had gotten back home to the others. Walking through the threshold though felt strange. They'd never had the power go out or at least not stay out. They always had Jay there with them their very own personal battery pack. If the lights went out all they needed was a quick little 'Zzzip!' and they'd come back on.

Silently Cole found his way to Jay's bedroom. Zane had informed him that because Jay didn't seem to have any physical injuries past being asleep they had just moved him from the hospital bed onto Jay's own since all the precautions weren't really necessary. And so here Cole was sitting on a chair pulled up next to Jay in his violently loudly decorated bedroom. Cole thought he had almost gone blind from the power surge but it was nothing compared to the sheer amount of yellow, orange, and bright bright blue that was in Jay's room. Cole's been in here before, quite often actually but he still never got quite used to seeing the amount of color Jay lived in.

A shout broke through his five seconds of peace.

"EVERYONE LIVING ROOM!" Nya's voice boomed quickly followed by several loud sets of footsteps. For a bunch of ninja they sure weren't quiet around their own home because Cole knew for a fact they all received the same training and they all knew how to move with making a noise. Yet here they were an entire family of ninjas clomping through the house sounding like a stampede.

Cole was the last to arrive and came into the living room to find everyone in a huddle around the back of the couch eyes glued to the TV screen looking like a bunch of kids who's favorite cartoon came on. And Cole wasn't about to change that as he just piled onto the back of it adding black and orange to their fun little rainbow of a family.

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