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Ryujin's POV

Sunday morning came and I was at my office, sipping a cup of coffee while drowning myself into writing. My only escape from this cruel reality aside from music.

Have you ever felt like nothing is going according to what you have planned? Like nothing is going on how you wanted it? It seems as though, the more you desire something, the more you can't have it. The more you grasp it, the more it slips away. I sigh as I typed those words into my laptop.

"Gosh, writing these days seems to be harder." I mumble to myself as massage my temples.

"Ms. Ryujin? The delivery man came today, your things are here." Arthur says, getting my attention.

"Ah! My drafts came, at last. Thanks Arthur." I politely thanked him and went straight to the storage room.

"I thought there were only 3 boxes. How come there's another one?" wonder, opening the boxes to see what's inside them.

The three boxes had the same size, and inside of them were my drafts. Drafts since the first I started writing. until the start of my career and to my now recent works. I smile, both proud and emotional at what I've been through to make it to where I am now.

Sniffling, I move to open the bigger box. My curiosity, almost giving me goosebumps.

What I saw caught me off guard, and made my heart ache. It was the box where I kept all of Yeji and I's memories. It has a Polaroid camera with a lot of spare films, a photo book, a jar filled with notes. Yeji and l's high school varsity jackets, a baseball cap, her running shoes, the couple necklace we bought for our 1st year anniversary with our initials, and lots of love letters.

A lot of memories I can tell, and they were the good ones. Because if not, then I won't be smiling like an idiot here while scanning through our things... even if I'm hurting.

The next thing I opened was the jar, it contains a lot of notes that Yeji wrote for me. Curious and bit sentimental, I reached inside to read one.

We just met yesterday and it scares the hell out of me, how I had become so attached to you that easily.

I chuckle, reminiscing about how the both of us were so damn whipped for each other. I then went on and read a few more, despite hurting myself again at the process.

Let me see you up close, let me love your flaws.

"I did baby, and I thought that was enough. I guess, I was wrong." thought, smiling bitterly.

I run my fingers through an old running shoe; it was when Yeji gave me hers because mine was too old to be used, and I don't have any money to buy for another pair. And to the ragged baseball cap I gave her on our first-year anniversary that she so like.

Those times were very hard, we had so little back then but we felt like we had everything, because we have each other.

Now... we both have everything, but not each other.

Shall I burn these? After all, there's no point in keeping them. I heave a sigh and thought of something ridiculous instead.

Since I'm having a hard time doing another book, what if I make a story that's based on Yeji and I's story. After all, I've been stuck for a month and a half with no progress. Plus, it will help me release the feelings I've been keeping inside.

I carried the box and placed it under my bed, then I walk back to my office. I sat on my chair and wondered what title I'm going to give it, but since I suck at titles, I decided to think about it later.

Write On Me | RYEJI ConvertedWhere stories live. Discover now