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Ryujin's POV

The huge gate in front of me, the choir singing our favorite love song, the radiant faces of people smiling from ear to ear while I anxiously wait for the love of my life to walk down the aisle is just too overwhelming.

 "Finally, this is it," I told myself, teary-eyed. I must be strong for the both of us. 

The gates opened to reveal an angel that descended from heaven, wearing a beautiful white wedding gown and holding a bouquet of white roses. She smiled at me wholeheartedly, and I nodded to her in response.

 Shit, this is really real. I thought. 

She glided with ease, flashing me a gummy smile. That trademark smile from the girl of my dreams and prayers, that still makes my heart flutter, even after ages have already passed by. Finally, this girl is going to be so damn happy.

She deserved it. 

She stopped walking and stood in front of me, tears flowing down her face. I wipe her tears from underneath her veil, mouthing a; "You look amazingly beautiful love. Please don't cry." And smiling. 

After all these years I still call her that, after all that we've been through, and after all the people we've met, I know nothing has changed. My feelings for her never did, that's for sure.

 "Thank you," Yeji says, Sniffling. I just smiled at her in response extending my arm for her to take. 

I escorted Yeji until we reached the front of the altar, where her future wife awaits. The girl that Yeji loves, the girl that Yeji chose, the girl that I lost to, and the girl that she deserves. 

I sigh, looking at the both of them happy. My work here is done, I can finally be gone for good without worrying about Yeji for I'm sure she's in good hands. "Please take care of her. Minju Kim ." I thought, before secretly walking away from the crowd.


"Where are you? The dance is about to begin." Yeji says from the other side of the line. 

"I'm sorry, I'm on my way, I'm gonna call you back," I told her and discarded my cigarette. I look at my state in the mirror, cursing loudly. 

"I look like a fucking mess. Come on now Ryujin, we're way past this shit." I try to tell myself. Well, it's true, but you can't expect me to not feel the pain. Nothing is really going to prepare you for the real thing.

I fix my hair and lady tuxedo, hurriedly exiting the comfort room to climb inside my car, driving back to the wedding reception as fast as possible.

 "Finally! You made it. Yeji beams and hugs me tight.

 "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world," I tell her, smiling.

 "Where have you been Shin?" Yeji asks me curiously, while her wife who's been standing next to her just laughed.

 "She's really a pain in the ass, Minju Good luck!" jokingly tells Minju who only waives her hand in-between laughs.

"I think I can manage. She smiles at me and excused herself to dance with her father. 

"Dance with me," Yeji whispers. 

"But it's the first dance, shouldn't you be dancing with your father?" I asked.

"I can dance with him later." Yeji huffs, pulling me to the dance floor. She put my hands on her waist and placed her hands on my shoulders. 

We danced quietly. 

"Say Ryujin, why were you smoking? I thought you already quitted?" Yeji asks while hugging me. 

"I-uh what? No, I didn't." I lied. 

"You did, the smell still lingers you know," Yeji says, and I remained silent. 

"You only smoke when you're bothered. Tell me what's bothering you?" Yeji asks as if she doesn't already know the answer.

"I know you know the answer to it, Hwang," I spoke casually, avoiding her eyes that's been scrutinizing me. 

"I'd like to hear you say it," Yeji replied, somehow irritating me. 

"What's the use, Yeji? Huh? Nothing's gonna happen even if I tell you, you're already married for God's sake." I whisper-yells. 

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Yeji murmurs, looking sad. 

"Don't be mad. I don't want us fighting on my special day." She mumbles, biting her lip afterward. 

"Is it true that you're moving to Jeju?" I hear her ask again. 

"Yes. I already bought a house, just near the ocean. It has glass walls, and it's located in a small neighborhood. It's very quiet down there, just the way I liked it." I admit. 

"Just the way we liked it." Yeji corrected, whispering it. I pretended to not hear what she said because obviously there's no point in dealing with it. 

"It's a perfect place to get inspiration for my next book I say instead. 

"Oh yes, my favorite author" Yeji giggles, reminding me of the days when she used to call me her favorite author even if we were still students. 

"Thanks for the dance Yeji, I'll be leaving for Jeju tomorrow. I don't think I will be able to come to visit you any time soon." I frown, but I guess it's for the best. Because Jeju, I'll be moving on. After all these years, will be finally moving on. 

"Take care and live happily." I kiss her forehead for the last time before leaving I guess this is the end of us Yeji, goodbye.

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