Trip To Solitude...(Part 10)

Start from the beginning

Okay, so he must be the grandchild. What was his name? Vinay!

Lost in her thoughts, she felt someone tugging her saari. She looked down and saw the kid, probably Vinay, tugging her saari in order to grab her attention. She bent down to his level. She, for the first time noticed his eyes. Brown eyes. She felt as if she had already saw the same pair of eyes somewhere. If this is 1991 and this kid is atleast 10, then the same kid must be 40 in 2021. If he ever managed to survive the upcoming disaster.

Did she ever encountered him in her timeline?

Again the train of her thoughts came to a hault as she felt the kid's soft small hands moving over her messed up hair. The kid clearly looked worried for her. Tara passed him an assuring smile and tried speaking to him, but again the words stucked at her throat. Whats wrong with her? For the first time ever, she was dying to hear her own voice.


Vinay held her hand and started walking towards the stairs. Tara was confused as hell. Even confused is an understatement. The kid addressed her as 'Aakshi'. But why? Why is he behaving as if he knew her since the long time? Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realized when she reached the last up step of the stairs. Her foot got on the saari end and she lost her balance. She was about to fall on the stairs when she was held in the mid air. She had her eyes closed tight due to the sudden lost of balance. She opened her eyes and saw the would be killer, Keshav Rao, holding her by her waist. Her hands tightly held his shoulders. His eyes held innocence. She can bet 1 lakh that this guy can never ever think about hurting someone by mistake, let alone killing an old couple. But the reality is always harsh.


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The road was a busy one. Unaware of the fact that after 30 years it will be declared as the cursed one. She got the better view of it from the rooftop of the house.

 She got the better view of it from the rooftop of the house

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But why will it be cursed anyway?

"Chechi!", and she was again startled by the voice. She was left too much of startled lately. She looked at the person. He was a man. Must be in his early 20s. But probably younger than her. He carried a box of sweets indicating that he got some real good news to share.

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