...are clingy as Lord-knows-what.

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Clingy people.

Dontcha luv em.

Calling and messaging you every day, asking to hang out, maybe even requesting a B&E- what?

Now, some clingy people (let's call them clingers for now) are rather hard to uncover; whereas some are so obvious they might as well have been a neon sign flashing with fireworks going off behind them.

So let's divide clingers into obvi-clingers and ninja-clingers.


Example of an obvi-clinger:

You: *stands up* okay I'm just going-

Obvi-clinger: *insta-panic* no wait, where are you going?! Are you leaving me?! ____ wait!

You: o_o ...I'm only-

Obvi-clinger: ;-; You are leaving me! After all we've been through this is how you act in the end!


Now, obvi-clingers aren't as obvious as that; but you get my point. If they have latched themselves on to you, I'm afraid there's not much you can do aside from changing your name, appearence, address, family, and moving to another country.

(Obvi-clingers also have a high chance of being a stalker; clingers in general actually.)


HOW-EVA (comma) when obvi-clingers are simple enough to spot, it's them ninja-clingers that are most lethal. Be on your guard; one could be outside your window as you read (idc if you are on the twentieth floor; ninjas, bruv...)

They know you so well that they have little phrases that are really disguised bombs to infiltrate your mind and trigger some sort of desired response.


Say you have a soft spot for animals;


You: *checks watch/phone/clock/whatever* right, I think I better get going; I have an essay to finish.

Ninja-clinger: so soon? I was going to ask if you wanted to come to the pet shop and stuff... Like, I was considering buying one for my sibling/family-member/friend and I thought since you love animals and the like...


Did I mention before that clingers tend to be guilt-trippers as well? (Ahaha...I'll cover the infamous guilt-trippers in another time)

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Signs of clingers:
-constant spamming on social media
-panics when you start to go somewhere
-guilt-tripping words
-maybe that silhouette that's in the corner of your eye right now


-sir/madam/person, you have a stalker...need I explain?
-can't ditch them easily

-move to Liechtenstein
-change your address
-change your name

And if all that fails;

⊙︿⊙ well...have a nice life.

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