'You were amazing,' Dave said, already getting too close.


There was a long, awkward pause, and Frank avoided eye contact, praying he'd just leave him alone. But instead, he offered him a twenty. 'You wanna go somewhere?'

Frank was a little shocked. His face felt warm and he just wanted to die in that moment. He never thought Dave would out him like that. 'I'm – not right now.'

'I see you're already booked for the night,' Dave said, and he just left.

It wasn't until he was far enough that Frank could finally breathe away. 'What the fuck was that?' Tucker said, almost laughing. Frank knew he wasn't judging him, and that he had no idea, but it was still weird.

'It was nothing.'

But Frank was the worst liar and his face was red and he couldn't help laughing. 'Are you –' Tucker started, almost whispering. 'Like a dealer?'

Frank laughed his head off. 'What?! No!' It wasn't the first time people thought that, with the dreads and all, and it got him in trouble with the cops a couple times.

'Then what is it?' Frank didn't say anything, and just then, Tucker seemed to have a moment of revelation. 'Wait – did he think you're like a hooker or something? And that I –'

Shit. Frank went red and stiff and his brain was blank. What was he supposed to say? He didn't even know how to lie.

'Wait – are you?'

Frank didn't answer. He just took a long drag of his cigarette, and let Tucker figure it out for himself. He wasn't ready to just say it out loud.

What he didn't expect was Tucker looking straight at him with that smile, his cigarette pursed between his lips. Or the silence that followed, as they stood next to each other, leaning against the wall of the back alley, and then Tucker checking his wallet to see if he had any cash. 'How much for –'

Frank didn't even let him finish. He pushed him against the wall, their lips crashing together. Hands exploring under shirts and pulling hair. It was urgent, and even a little violent, neither of them knowing where to go.

Frank's brain was going on autopilot, just going with the flow. He'd imagined this a couple times, but never in a million years thought it'd come true, so he was letting himself enjoy it. He let Tucker drag him back inside and into the bathroom backstage. It was dark and smelled like puke, but it didn't matter because Tucker's tongue was down his throat and it was amazing. And Tucker's hands on the side of his stomach, his cock getting harder inside his jeans.

That voice in his head that kept wondering if this was just a casual thing, or whether he was getting paid for this, shut up for a minute. He pulled him closer, grinding his erection against Tucker's, and before he knew it, Tucker's hand was already in his pants, jerking him off.

Whatever this was, it was good.

Without saying a word, Frank got on his knees, and unzipped Tucker's pants, and then freed his gorgeous dick. Fuck, why hadn't he figure out he liked Tucker? They could had done this a lot sooner. Tucker pulled his dreadlocks, fucking his mouth hard, while Frank moaned around his cock, the heavy weight on his tongue. He was enjoying every minute.

He enjoyed the taste of his cum, and the warmth of Tucker's thighs when he let his head rest on them afterwards. He was almost floating away, so Tucker pulling him up from the floor and holding him felt nice, steading him as he kissed his lips.

'Consider this a free trial,' Frank joked as they were putting their pants back on.

'You asshole.'

Before walking out of the bathroom, he turned to Tucker and winked. 'Come back soon!'

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