“Ling and I don’t always see eye to eye, but we work,” said Scarlett, as we looked out across her back yard. Scarlett barely spoke of her mother, and finally Kellie told me why- Scarlett’s mother had cheated on her dad, and was pregnant with the other man’s child. The unborn child was found out to be a boy, which was what her mother had wanted…, to the point where, she distanced herself from her own daughter.

                    Scarlett had gone to visit her mother supposedly for the summer, but had returned within 3 weeks. Kellie told me she had cried in Ling’s arms…her mother was emotionally detached, and her supposed “new stepfather” wasn’t big on her either. The only person, who didn’t have an issue with Scarlett, was her little stepbrother Jillian. From what I had heard when Scarlett told us days later after she had returned, Jillian was enthusiastic that he had an older sister, though he couldn’t understand why she had to go. Scarlett now has him as a friend on her Facebook…Jillian is 14, and he looks like he’ll have girls lining up to see him. I know she was talking about going to Vermont for Thanksgiving, but she would stay in a hotel or lodge this time.

               Even though Sydnee Thommerson stayed in my neighborhood, and I sometimes went to her house when we were young, I never really got along with her that well. Sydnee was certainly nice looking, but she didn’t buy into all the stuff that Pennel, Kellie, Scarlett, and I stood for. Pennel hated her- especially when she started dating Mitchell. Sydnee was the one who called us “plastic skanks”, which not only infuriated Pennel, but pissed me off as well…the nerve of that bitch! When Mitchell did start dating her, I backed down, because I wanted him to be happy…it was obvious, that he was fawning over Jassandra, and was dating other girls because the two of them were tripping about race issues. But Mitchell eventually called it quits with Sydnee, and ended up talking to Jassandra for a while.

                 In the 9th grade, we added a final member into our little clique- Gissele Brady. She was a beautiful, smallish girl whose father was a congressman…her mother was Latino, while her father was white, which made her biracial. While it didn’t bother Scarlett, Kellie, and me, Pennel sometimes made it a point to belittle Gissele about her racial origins. Gissele could easily have been a Public Relations consultant in Washington, or an intelligence consultant. Her specialty, was gathering all sorts of info on a person that we had issues with, thus arming us with enough ammo, to ruin their high school reputation. The only drawback to Gissele (but not enough to make me despise her), was that Gissele was a self proclaimed lesbian. She dared not touch us, but we knew she was obsessed with Pennel…she hated Mitchell, because Pennel liked him. Until the summer before we went to college, we never let anything happen to a fellow member of our group. We also tried to quell all in-fighting between us.

                After I had split up with Eric Cross, I then started talking with Tipper Camden…Tipper kinda sort of looked like Russell Brand, and dressed like almost like him too. After putting up with stupid sports buffoonery, and immaturity from Eric, I thought I’d go in another direction with dating. Mitchell really didn’t say much about my choices…I assume it was because he was too wrapped up in his own dating roller coasters. But Dad didn’t like Tipper at all, which made me want him even more.

                 Tipper used to throw himself at me, begging to have sex…I didn’t have sex with Eric because I felt he was way too immature, and with Tipper- it seemed that sex was all he talked about. And I didn’t want a relationship based on just that…one Friday night we went to one of the many various parties that Dupree held at his place, when his parents would leave for the weekend. It was wild as hell- Mitchell was talking with Liv Weatherall from the cheer squad…once again, Liv was cute, petite, with nice legs and curves where it counted, but I knew how the ending was going to go- Mitchell was going to stop talking with her, because of Jassandra. I walked upstairs to a restroom, when I heard Tipper’s voice coming from a bedroom…I walked into the room, seeing Mara Ritter giving Tipper a blowjob. To be truthful, I don’t know what was crazier- catching my boyfriend getting head from another girl, or being slightly aroused by it. So I sat there, and watched as Tipper banged the hell out of her- for what it is worth, I can vouch and say that the boy is well endowed. He finishes, and I asked him did he enjoy himself.

Sugarpillजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें