Chapter Eighteen

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Lesley was sitting in silence in the corner with Harley on her left and Gusion on her right. Grock and Angela were sitting beside Harley. Her eyes were wandering to the dark-like creature named Hanzo, the shadow ninja named Hayabusa, the umbrella girl named Kagura, and Hanabi who looked so awkward right now.

Kagura was fidgetting beside Hayabusa while Hanabi was leaning on the table, tapping her fingers on the table. Meanwhile, Hanzo was sitting beside Hanabi— well, he kept a meter distance while his feet were on the table.

Lesley turned to Gusion and nodded her head towards Hanzo, "Your fellow rude species."

Gusion gave her a deadpan look, "Love."

She just giggled at him and looked back to the Scarlet-Shadow sect gang.

"I'm guessing Sil— I mean, Her Highness already went to Cardia Riverlands for alliance." Lesley stated which earned nods from them except for Hanabi.

"Yes, and she also told us that Hanabi was taken by some mad scientist so we got worried and-"

"Ha!" Hanabi let out a loud exasperated, mocking sigh that cut off Kagura. "Worried? What a joke."

Kagura looked hurt before guilt passed her face, "Hana, I know you're upset—"

"Me? Upset? Not at all." Hanabi said while rolling her eyes.

Hayabusa sighed, "Hanabi, we were really worried. And quit talking like that to Kag." He let out an exasperated sigh, "Please."

Hanabi was slightly taken aback because of Hayabusa's last word, Lesley could see it. Maybe it was because the word please was an alien word for them.

I mean, why it is so hard for others to say the word please? There's nothing wrong about asking in a nice way. Lesley thought.

"Stop hurting her." Hanzo spat to Hayabusa.

Hanabi's eyes widened towards Hanzo, as if he grew another head.

"I'm asking her in a nice way." Hayabusa said firmly.

Lesley couldn't saw his mouth since he was wearing a mask but it sounded like he was gritting his teeth.

"And she already know that Kag is the one I—"

"Finish that sentence and I will make my Ame no Habakiri devour you." Anger could be hinted in Hanzo's voice, "Feelings can't be stopped right away even you tell a person to stop liking you, you fucker. It doesn't have an on and off switch, you shit."

All of them became silent after that. After all, Hanzo was right.

Lesley realized that her guess was right. The one that Hanabi pertaining to that night was Hayabusa. She said that love wasn't for her, since Hayabusa was in love with Kagura.

But it was unexpected that this evil ninja- Hanzo, was in love with Hanabi.

She didn't know the details of their background stories and their tangled love stories.

"Okay folks, you have your own point and we understand it so please, hold your horses." Lesley meddled and sighed, realizing on why she was being a referee in this situation.

She guessed it was natural of her to be like this since was the eldest Vance child although she was adoptive. She was already used to this kind of situation.

"Alright Gus, since you're the leader, you might want to explain to them the situation to erase the confusion." Lesley said and looked at Gusion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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