Accident Waiting to Happen

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It was relocating near Ebbot's forest that had started it all. You'd recently been reassigned to a new foster family, the last one no longer had the means to take care of a 5 year old. They were nice enough. Recently having tried to put down a 'weird animal' as they called it. Apparently it had killed a child, so you were somewhat grateful for that, you supposed. You loved to explore. That often caused problems alone, if the family wasn't paying attention to you. You would wander, as you were doing now, and dissappear from the sight of the house. And one of these days... it was just an accident waiting to happen. If you heard them calling your name, it was ignored by you in place of something else 'calling' to you. You didn't know what it was or why, but someone or something was calling. You were trying to answer it. Soon you were climbing up the ever mysterious Mt. Ebbot. You'd heard the story of the scary things under the mountain, but that's all they were, right? Just stories. In the shadows, an opening gaped, as if ready for to devour you whole. It was down there that was calling you...

So you jumped.


The soft petals of the flowers tickled and you sneezed as you came too. A quiet whimper escaped you. You'd landed face first, so how you hadn't died was beyond you. What you did know was that you were a bit sore... everywhere. "It hurts.." You whined childishly, seeing as you were a child and a young one at that. "Oh my!" It seemed someone heeded your unspoken call for help. "Do not worry, child! I shall assist you.." The stranger was surprisingly soft for a goat. She cradled you with loving arms, a green lit paw pressed gently into your chest. The warm spread through you, tiring you. You wanted to stay awake but the pull of sleep was too strong. You nuzzled deeper into the goat's white fur and you fell asleep again.


Toriel wasn't expecting a child to drop a week after her little ones passed. She just COULDN'T watch another child die! So she took her home, healed her injuries, and (very reluctantly) laid her in Asriel's old bed. This child she'd found was much younger than Asriel and Chara had been, both were 13 while this child had to be 5 at the oldest. Stars, and with Asgore being as irrational as he was... would the child make it if she left the Ruins? It... would have to be up to Toriel to take care of her then. She couldn't be left alone to fend for herself. Toriel wandered into her living room and absentmindedly skimmed her books. She was deeply troubled. What would the children have done? Asriel had easily claimed Chara as his brother, would be have just as easily accepted this child as his sister? And Chara, young Chara was no friend to others of his own species. He'd stated it alot in his time down here, but she was young. Would he have given the younger generation a second chance? Toriel sighed and found herself going to the kitchen. The child would probably be hungry when she woke. Toriel aught to prepare something for when she woke.


You stirred in bed, no longer hurt. You were confused at first. Had another foster home taken you in? Then you felt it. The call. It reminded you of what happened and what still had to happen. You'd followed the call away from the house and up the mountain. You'd fallen down the hole. A nice goat lady had helped you. This must have been her child's bed. You didn't want to intrude more than you already had and you clearly hadn't found what was calling you so you left. You opened the door and walked down the hall and to a more open room. There was a doorway in back, a door to your left, and a staircase to your right. You turned to the staircase. You kept your hand on the purple walls as you desended, not wanting to trip and hurt yourself. You continued down the darkened hallway, turning when it curved and continuing until you were met with a door. A really, REALLY BIG door. There was no way you could open the door by yourself. "Hello..?" Maybe someone on the other side could open it for you? "oh my stars, there's someone in there?!" A voice panicked on the other side. "Uh... yeah.. I want out. Can you help me?" You asked. "... i.. i think so. just... give me a sec, k? i'll get you out!" So you waited. And waited. And waited some more. Until there was a groan from the door and you slipped through the small opening he'd made.


You turned to thank your helper, only to get knocked over, a stinging sensation on your arm. "O-ow!" You looked wide eyed at the skeleton before you. He was easily 3 inches, maybe 4, taller than you. A bone spawned in his hand. "dirty prince killer!" He spat with venom. You scurried away. "K-killer?!" Killers, like the creature that your foster family scared off, were bad. That you knew. If there was a killer that the skeleton saw... maybe it was what hurt you? Your mind was going to fast for you to comprehend. All you knew was the skeleton saw something bad and seemed to have the means to protect you. You ran at him. He wasn't expecting that. "h-hey! w-what are you-" and hid behind him, holding his thick blue hoodie. "W-where..? Where's th-the killer..?" He realized that you were just as scared as he was. You were a human... but a young one. Young humans surely weren't killers. And he'd scared you. And hurt you. How was he supposed to make it up to you? "uh... it ran off.." He replied slowly. "how 'bout i treat that, an' we can play a game?" You gave a small smile and nodded. "i'm sans, by the way."

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