chapter 10: Ashes to Ashes

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(Unknown POV)

"Ok, i found new world to watch! Beware! This world is pretty brutal." Dark said to our audience.

Then scene start with Jaune and Ruby getting out of their car in military clothes. They hold their guns as Yang, Blake, Weiss, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren waiting for them. "There nothing here, it can't be the right place." Ren said to them. "We didn't seen any on out side either." Ruby said.

"Finally it our turn." Yang said.

"It look like your seven are soldiers." Ozpin said.

"More like black ops." Dark told them.

"So cool!" Ruby said.

"My son is a soldier." Jaune's mother quietly cried as her husband try to help her.

"It him! He fucking lied to us!" Yang said as Ruby turn to Jaune. "Is that true, jaune? You pull us out in middle of nowhere russia so perseus can detonate those nukes?" Ruby ask as Jaune only stared at her.

"Russia? What kingdom is that?" Weiss ask.

"Well russia or soviet union was a superpowers beside United States of America. They fought each other over their idealogies. US was capitalism while Soviet Union was communism." Dark said.

"What communism?" Ozpin said.

"Well communism is a political and economic system that seek to to create an classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the people." Dark explain communism as Ozpin nodded.

"You underestimated me, goodbye ruby." Jaune said before clutching his fist up then russians voices can be heard behind as they recoiled in shock then russian soldier appear and fired his rpg at them. It hit them as Jaune was send to the ground.

"Jaune!?" Rwby and npr said in shock.

"Where did them come from?" Mercury ask Dark.

"Don't know, russians have this bullshit magic to teleport anywhere that you ain't looking at." Dark shrug.

"I'm hit!" Ruby ssid through the radio. "Taking cover." Russians began moving forward as them try to hold them out. "We got this! Take cover inside ruby!" Blake said as she fired her rifle at the incoming russians. Then the man himself, Perseus, appear and walk towards Jaune as he reach out his hand to him. Jaune took his hand as Perseus help Jaune stand up. "On your feet comrade, ready for little a retribution?" Perseus said through his mask as he gave Jaune as ak74.

"What!? Jaune betrayed us!?" Pyrrha said in horror.

"No! Jaune would never betray us! Were his friend!" Ruby said as she couldn't believe that Jaune would betray them.

"This is iconic, when Jaune reveal his transcript, them betray him. When them reveal that their using him, he betray them. Quite poetic." Dark look at them as they denied the idea of Jaune betraying them.

"Were gonna bury you motherfucker!" Yang cursed through the radio as Jaune quickly killed several american soldiers and russians start moving forward. "Shoud have stay on our side." Blake said through radio at Jaune. Jaune aim his gun before firing. The bullet travel in slow motion towards Yang who got shot in the head.

"Yang!?" Rwb, Tai, Qrow and Summer yelled in horror while Raven didn't say anything, she only stared at the screen.

"Yang! They got yang!" Blake said. "Fuck! I can't believe it." Blake cursed as she firing her rifle. "Stay in it!" Ruby shouted through the radio. Jaune quickly his former friends; Nora, Pyrrha, Weiss and Ren as they move forward. Jaune aim his gun at Blake as bullet hit her in the head. She drop dead to the ground.

"Blake!" Blake's parents were shock as her mother cried in tears.

"Your friend went through here, she is not far." Perseus said as the two slowly nake their way to Ruby. They look at the open door and walk inside to see Ruby laying to the floor. "Glad to see you still care. Mind giving me a light?" Ruby ask but Jaune suddenly shot her. Ruby was died. "No hesitation, i always loved that about you." Perseus said as Jaune walk to him. Perseus get rid of his mask to reveal Gray Guirus, he was the perseus all a long.

"So i was perseus." Gray said.

"It was a surprise gray." Athena said.

Rwby and npr glared at Gray who felt a shive in his spine. "Oh shit..."

"You remembered my face don't you?" Gray said as he pull out his radio and place his left arm around Jaune's shoulder. "Solovetsky, stand by for detonation orders." Gray said as the russian agreed. "I think you deserved this moment, comrade." Gray give his radio to Jaune as he took it from his hand. "Let the new soviet era begans, detonate the nukes." Jaune said as russian soldier agreed.

"Millions of innocent people will died." Velvet said.

Meanwhile, Dark was secretly cheering for Jaune on screen. He played CoD Cold War, he prefer the bad ending.

"I wish we could return to solovetsky to watch it all unfold but that chapter is closed now. We begin the next chapter together." Gray said to Jaune. "You did well." Gray pat on his shoulder. "Now, let's go." Jaune nodded as the two head out, leaving Ruby's corpse laying in the room before screen fading into black.

Everyone were shock and silent. Joan couldn't believe her son would killed millions of people. Rwby and npr still don't believe that Jaune would betray them. They stared at Gray who move closer to his classmates.

"How was it?" Dark ask them.

"Good, this Jaune would be perfect for us in the war." Salem said as Cinder agreed.

"Ok, i go out to find another world to watch. See you all later!" Dark disappear, leaving them to process what they just watch.

(Hello readers! Sorry for cutting out some parts in the chapter. I wanted it to be quick. Apologies for me removing some parts in the story.)

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