chapter 9: Battleship

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(Unknown POV)

"Hello! Check out my new looks!" Dark said as he looks different than his previous one.

(My new looks)

"You look like some edgy emo vampire boy from Blake's porn books you know?" Yang commented as Dark chuckled while Blake yelled at her partner

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"You look like some edgy emo vampire boy from Blake's porn books you know?" Yang commented as Dark chuckled while Blake yelled at her partner.

"Yeah, i know but i like the looks. Anyways, let's start our next world." Dark said as he turn on the screen.

Then scene starts with battleship with Jaune on the radio, at the distance there was giant alien ship. "Hard left rudder." He order as sailor rotate the steering wheel and ship turn left. "Drop port archor!" Jaune said as Ren beside was confused.

"What going on here?" Mercury ask Dark.

"Well, two scientist created a FTL communication satellite to contact aliens but aliens reply and start their invasion on this world. The aliens brough five ships but one of their ships was radio communication ship, was destroyed in their crash landing and hitting mistral. Aliens used energy shield to cut off patch from main fleet. They are trying to contact their forces by using the satellite. Jaune and his crew are trying to stop them with that old battleship." Dark explain.

Then alien ship launches three projectiles towards them. "Drop it now!" Jaune yelled as sailor pull a lever and port archor drops. "Were gonna die." Ren muttered as the three projectiles. "We are gonna die." Jaune said calmly.

"What!?" Audience shouted in shock.

"Pleasd tell me you have plan Jaune." Pyrrha was concern for her leader.

"Wow, this jaune is surprisely calm about that." Gray said as his teammates agreed.

"It seen so my student." Ozpin said.

"You gonna die, i'm gonna die, we all gonna die." Jaune said as three projectiles were still coming then archor drop then battleship was pull by the archor to slide to right making the three projectiles misses their target and all of turrets were aiming at side of alien ship. "But not today."

"Nani!?" Audiences shouted as they were shock and surprises by what they just seen on screen.

"Impressed work mr. Arc." Ozpin smirk.

"Let drop some leads on these motherfuckers." A old sailor smirk. "Fire!" Jaune shouted as all of the guns erupted. Shells hit the side of the alien ship as explosions erupted and alien ship turn to face the battleship. "Reload, reload!" Jaune said as sailors were loading another shell into the gun. "Fire mechanism reset! Secure the hatch!" A gun officer ordered inside the turret as the sailor reload the main gun.

"Boom! Blow them to hell Jaune!" Nora shouted in excited as people cheer.

"Release the archor." Jaune said as port archor was cut off. Alien ship was heavily damage but it was still operational. Alien inside the ship fire multiple projectiles at them in retaliation. "Incoming! Incoming!" Jaune warm through the radio as AA guns were trying to shoot down the incoming projectiles but all miss as projectiles hit the starboard side before exploding.

"Noooo!!" Beacon students were panicking while some were worried.

"Ahhh!" Crew yelled. "Are you alright!?" Yatsuhashi ask old sailor. "They ain't going to sink this battleship, no way." He said as screen cut to Jaune. "Hit it everything you got!" Jaune yelled as remaining guns unleash hell upon the xeno scums as shell hit energy shield tower.

"Yeah!" Audiences were cheering.

"They did it!" Ruby said loudly.

"Well done mr. Arc." Ironwoods was praising Jaune as he was impressed his plan.

"Cinder, this jaune is impressed. He could be benefit us if we recruited him." Salem said to Cinder.

"Yes my mistress. When we get back. I will try to recruit him." Cinder replied to her mistress.

The energy shield slowly disappear and outside, the Rimpac participants are sailing near the shield. "I want every available plane kn this ship in the air, now!" Hazel shouted.

"So i am admiral there?" Hazel said.

"It seen so." Watt said.

"I can't believed it works." Ren said in disbelief. "Yeah, art of war. Fight the enemy where they aren't. After all this time. That finally just click." Jaune said. "But that what not means." Ren said as Jaune look at him. "Really?" Jaune said confused. "Not even close." Ren shrug.


"Close, number 1 is armed." Sailor said. "Coordinates?" Velvet ask. "Train, three-three-zero." Sailor replied. "Elevation?" Velvet ask again. "Two-two-zero." Sailor replied again. Velvet began to input the numbers in main gun rotate to port sideand starboard gun elevate. "She's armed." Sailor said. In wreckage of alien ship. A shredder is being built. "Jaune!" Ren shouted as two saw launcher aim at them.

"Oh no." They said.

"We only have one round left, right?" Jaune ask Ren. "Yeah." He replied. Meanwhile on Saddle Ridge, the aliens are setting up the communication device sending three signal up in orbit. "It was honor serving with you captain." Jaune said to Ren. "The honor was mine." Ren smile at Jaune.

"No." Pyrrha and Ruby were not believing it.

"Even if outcome isn't great. Most important thing is do to good even it sacrificing your own life to save others." Dark said to them.

"Fire." Jaune said as Velvet pull the trigger. The scene shows shell leaving the barrel in slow motion. The shell head straight to communication device while shredders were launch. Shell hit the Daddle Ridge as explosion erupted and destroying their way to call for reinforcements. Three shredders were coming closer as Jaune and Ren embrace their fate then sudden two of shredders exploded then last was detsroy.

"What?" Audiences were confused while Dark smirk.

Jaune and Ren were confused then F18s appear and break away.

"Planes?" Ruby said.

"Fighter jets! The ones that hazel ordered on his ship!" Weiss shouted.

"Hell yeah! Cavalry has arrival!" Yang throw her fist in the air. Audiences were relief.

"Locked on target." F18 pilot said as he and rest of squadron start bombing remains of alien ship. "Yeaahh! Wooo! Hahaha!" Crew were cheering happily as they defeat the aliens before screne turn to black.

"Ok, did you guys like it?" Dark ask them.

"Yeah! Jaune save the world!" Ruby shouted.

"I am impressed by his skill of being a leader." Ironwoods said.

"That was awesome! Huge explosions and aliens went boom!" Nora said.

"Ok, ok, calm down. I go finf next world to watch. For meanwhile, you guys can eat at that food store i created." Dark as food store appear out of nowhere with infinity amount of food. He disappaer, leaving them to eat their foods.

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