chapter 2: I Love War

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(Unknown POV)

"Alright everyone, were start in three... two... one... start." Dark start the screen as everyone start watching.

Then scene start to Jaune but with Trifa, Gray and May standing right behind him. Jaune sat on a chair as he dressed impeccably, wearing an expensive white suit with a long matching overcoat, white gloves and glasses. He face a army of vampire SS panzergrenadiers.

"Damn, Arc looks good." Coco look at Jaune on screen, outfit. It was good.

"I sense something is wrong with him  the way he smile is creepy." Qrow said while taking a drink of his alcohol.

"His army is impressed." Salem commeted.

"Isn't that May Zedong from team BRNZ?" Ruby said to them

"I think so Ruby." Weiss replied.

"Who is the spider girl?" Neptune ask Dark.

"That Trifa, a white fang member but a friend with Jaune." This catch Blake in surprise.


"Yep, go back to watching the movie."

"My friends, it has often been said that I like war." Jaune said as stood up. "My friends, i like war.... No! I love war!"

This shock everyone in the theatre ad they never thought that Jaune would love war.

"What!?" Pyrrha shouted in shock.

"I forget to mention, this Jaune is a military officer for Waffen SS." Dark said.

"What SS?" Ironwoods asked.

"SS is a military branches for Third Reich or Nazi Germany, who want to commit a genocide on a group of people called Jews, which over 6 million jews killed in total." This shock everyone by this information.

"Don't worry, Jaune isn't rascist, he just love war."

"I love holocaust, i love the blitzkrieg, i love the defensive lines. I love sieges, charges, mop-up operations and retreat. Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of war that can occur upon this earth." Jaune wide his grin. "I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with artillery salvos that thunder across the lines of battle."

"My heart leaps with joy whenever a soldier is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed sniper rounds. And there is nothing like a tank operator using a Tiger acht acht (88) to destroy enemy tanks. And the feeling that comes when a soldier runs screaming from his blazing tank, only to be mowed down by heavy machine gun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Like when ranks of infantry brandish their bayonets rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit stabbing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy." He continue as Gray start smoking.

"Gray, do you smoke?" Iris asked.

"Well, yes. I do smoke sometimes." He replied.

"Are we going to ignore that Jaune is making a speech about war?" Yang said.

"The sight of deserters being strung up from a street lamp is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing than the sounds made by prisoners of war dropping like flies, screaming in agony as they're mowed down by ear piercing schmeissers! When a band of pitiful resistance fighters makes their final stand with nothing but small arms, only to have their city smashed to atoms block by block by 4.8 ton bombshells, i'm in ecstasy." Jaune's men smile at his speech.

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