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Love. What is love? Is it the kind of feeling you get deep in your chest when you see a cute person? Is it the feeling of aggression, passion, all because of a divine belief? Is it a dreadful lie, a brutal reality? The truth is, there is no meaning of love. Everyone experience's love, but some don't recognise it. Love defines by the way you feel it, whether it's meant to be or not, love will always stick with you. Love will haunt you. And no matter how much you want to get rid of it, true love will stick with you until the fuming sun turns to thin ice, until the raging oceans become crisp and shriveled.

Love will make you do things that you don't know you're capable of. That's because love is capable of you, and love can bring you to crazy things. From the thrills to the sorrow, the darkest nights and magnificent sunsets, nothing will make you feel the way LOVE makes you feel. To be true, you'll never know if you truly love someone until you can't. Until you can't have them in your arms anymore, and you'll do anything to get them back.

This is my story. My name is Celia Goldberg, and I fell in love. And I will do anything to get her back.

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