Chalter 11: Insecurity

Start from the beginning

Conner: "Good, stakeouts make me crazy."

Artemis: "I want in. With M'gann out nobody's clocked more hours piloting the bio-ship."

Green Arrow: "Artemis, are you sure?"

Artemis: "Absolutely."

The members of the team heading out on the mission packed up and left as I readied the zeta tube to teleport back to headquarters. I heard someone approach behind me.

Zatanna: "Do you have to go?"

I turned to see Zatanna with a pleading look on her face. She really didn't want me to go and the idea of spending the night alone in a computer lab looking over files wasn't ideal.

Zatanna could tell I was contemplating not going and took the opportunity to win me over to her side.

Zatanna: "I was hoping we could use the night off to watch a movie or go for a walk."

(Y/n): "Ya I'm not going."

I pressed the button on the holographic keyboard that turned off the teleporter as Zatanna and I walked down the hall towards the exit of the cave.

*Small Time Skip*

Zatanna and I walked down the stone walkway that overlooks the beach. The beachfront stores of Happy Harbour on one side and the calming sound of the ocean on the other.

The streetlights provided us with your length of light in the night but was still dim enough so we could see the stars.

I grabbed hold of Zatanna's hand as we walked slowly down the beachfront. Her hand fits perfectly into mine.

We eventually sat on a bench that overlooked the beach, the cool breeze and sound of the water washing up against the sand was beautiful.

Zatanna snuggled into me on the bench as we stared off into the night sky.

Zatanna: "This is nice."

(Y/n): "We should do this more often."

Zatanna: "Definitely."

After about half an hour of staring out at the sky Zatanna broke the silence.

Zatanna: "What do you think you'll do when you stop working for the Division?"

The question caught me completely off guard. Zatanna could instantly tell I was surprised and squeezed my hand gently in an attempt to reassure me.

(Y/n): "I don't know Zee, I haven't really put much thought into it. The Division is all I've ever known, I don't even remember what my real parents look like or who they were."

Zatanna: "I promise, one day we'll find what's left of your family."

(Y/n): "Zee, I would like nothing more... but I'm afraid there isn't much left."

Zatanna: "What makes you say that?"

(Y/n): "Well I imagine that after the car crash that killed my parents they would've looked for my closest relatives right? Maxwell always told me that the younger agents couldn't bear to send me away after finding out I didn't have anywhere to go."

Zatanna: "Your parents must've had a home or something."

(Y/n): "When I woke up, after the crash... I couldn't remember anything. Maxwell, he said they looked but they couldn't find anything. He said that they wouldn't stop looking for my family and my old home and that they would take care of me until they found it. Eventually they gave up searching."

I couldn't bring myself to look at Zatanna, I knew she'd be all teary eyed at my story. I don't talk about my past often and I try to not even think about it.

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