Lady Eve left her bodies dropping not realising she would gain enemies.

The fight continued but both teams eventually began running out of bullets

Nala, Mercades and Latton all moved closer and closer towards Lady Eve with Latto shooting anyone who got in they way

East and his peoples covering them from behind

Lady Eve suddenly got hit in the shoulder and so did all the others around her

Giving Nala a free chance to get the bitch

Nala instantly ran in her stiletto heels like the professional she is and grabbed Eve by her top punching her repeatedly not giving her a chance to even take a breath

Nala thought finally after all this time she was finally gonna take her down but

unfortunately it wouldn't be today.

Nala Pov

I was beating the shit outta this bitch for messing wit me my girls and Akira

I kept going till I saw red and all of a sudden cops sirens began going off

Making everyone stop they shit and fuckin disperse

We was like little ants running back to they holes n shit

I didnt even wanna go but East came and pulled me off of her


We made sure was all loaded up and dipped going our separate ways

I was so hyped I finally got to get my fist to her face

I haven't felt this shit since high school.

We headed to mine and Mercedes new warehouse since our shit managed to make it there

As soon as we all got there we all headed inside quickly and I washed my hand so fast and put on some gloves

Doctor Nala was on

I began taking care of people who got hit and so did some of the others

I didn't want no deaths tonight or ever not my crew and I was gonna make sure of it

"Ight deep breath and you release when I pull it out"I said to this girl

She did exactly that and I pulled the bullet out from her nice and fast

We continued for about an hour more until everyone got the help they needed

It was finally time for me to take my black ass home I was tired as shit

As soon as I got home I was met with a lovely shower
that I very much needed

Akira was with her nanny for the day having a lil shopping spree

I got out the shower, moisturised my body and put on some deodorant before hearing the door bell go off

I looked at the security monitors in my room seeing it was East

I rolled my eyes and put on my robe before putting on my slippers and going down there

I opened the front door and straight faced him

"wassup Nala"He said rubbing his beard

"How can I help you East?"I asked wanting to sleep

"Dont do that mamas ight? im sorry"He said getting closer to me

"Sorry for what you dont have anything to be sorry for"I said really wanting to sit down

"Can we sit n talk?"He asked

I did not have time to stand by the door and I wanted some wine so I just let him in

"Sit there"I said pointing to the couch

I went to the kitchen and poured myself half a glass of wine

I went and sat on the other couch gesturing for him to talk

"Ight look I'm sorry you had to see what you saw, I was just stressed and wasn't thinking"He began

"wait East you dont need to apologise, you apologising cah you feel guilty, we're not together or ever will be"I said until he cut me off

"But I want to I wanna fuckin try us out"He said sitting up

"I don't have time for games and dont have time to be looking stupid either"I replied

"I swear to you im serious"he said getting up and sitting next to me

"Ion East"I said looking away from him

No one POV

"Lemme show you Im serious"Dave responded starting to kiss on Nala neck

David began leaving hickeys all over her neck and down to her breast

Nala was turned on immediately and her cat wanted some action

Dave continued kissing all over Nala and was feeling on her body undoing the tie on her robe

Dave kissed Nala all the way down to her cat

He brushed his finger down her cat lips and lifted it seeing it covered in her juices

David began giving her cat the attention it craved and Nala was a moaning mess

Nala tries to push Daves head away until he smacked her hand away

Dave slowly inserted a finger into Nala pumping in and out

"Fuckkkk David, im gonna cum"Nala moaned out

"Hold it"He said pumping faster and faster

Nala was loving every second

"Let it go mamas"Dave said against her cat

Nala did as she was told and her juices sat in his beard and Dave cleaned her up with his tongue.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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