Chapter 8

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Massive trigger warning this chapter, started off consensual then turned to rape scene. Starts at ** and ends at the second **

"Katsuki if you don't get up this minute im cutting off your balls" Izuku said from the seat next to him. After the multiple rounds they had, Katsuki proceeded to pass out. Izuku had even gone back to his dorm, showered, changed, and come back and the rough blonde was still sleeping.Izuku had about two hours to himself to do whatever. Katsuki turned over on the couch before registering what Izuku had said.

"Leave my balls alone, you wench." He threw a pillow at the greenhaired boy. Izuku simply side stepped and popped his hip out, his lips pursing in distaste.

"Really? Wench? Thats the best you have? My mother could come up with better insults then that. Now get up, you've got shit to do."

"Your not my fucking mom nerd." Izuku laughed.

"Your right, you were calling me Daddy a couple hours ago." Katsuki flushed lightly, chunking another pillow at the loser. Izuku just laughed louder.

"Don't go back to bed Katsuki, you have a lesson in an hour. I ordered some take out, its in the fridge. See you later." And Izuku was gone, leaving Katsuki with his thoughts.

Izuku was hot, that much was true, but Katsuki knew damn well not to get attchted. Just by watching his hips move, Katsuki knew Izuku was nothing but a temptress. He'd seen the looks the boys and girls gave him while he walked down the hallways, his pants fitting him perfectly, and his button up tucked in. Katsuki shook his head. The nerd was right, he did have shit to do, and lessons were in an hour.

Katsuki went to the kitchen, noticing it was cleaned up. That fucking loser, everything was going to be mixed up now!" But as he looked around, he noticed everything was where he would have put it. When he opened the fridge, he noticed a medium container filled with Mukbang Bulmawang Ramen, and a small note on top.

Hey Katsuki! You seem like the type of guy to eat major spicy stuff, so here you go! My friend Kyoka works at her girlfriends restaurant, and she made it extra spicy for you. Enjoy! :> <3

That absolute nerd. Katsuki was instantly in a better mood. Katsuki was smiling as he put the noodles in the microwave. One minute, stir, another minute, stir, and then thirty seconds. Perfect temperature for ten ounces of noodles. Katsuki sat down, and began eating. The smell alone had so much spice in it, it was making him tear up! He slurped them up, eyes closed, and sighed. Maybe he should have that nerd over here more often..


Hitoshi wasn't a man of loyalty. He had more bodies under his belt then a hooker. The only body he didn't have, and very much wanted, was Izuku's. The way his hips swung as he walked, how he stretched like a cat, how he breathed, Hitoshi wanted it. However, Izuku had made it clear to him and Kaminari that he didn't want casual sex with them, as it might ruin their friendship. They both had agreed, but Hitoshi was starting to regret it.

"Hard again Hito? Kaminari asked from his spot in his lap. Hitoshi just grunted and continued playing on his phone. "I can help, you know." Kaminari said as he began rolling his hips. Hitoshi wasn't fased. It wasn't Kaminari he wanted at the moment. Tho, they were similar enough that Hitoshi could pretend.

Hitoshi had known that Kaminari had liked him for a while, and had played along at first, but now, the only thing on his mind was a sexy green-haired minx. However, the pikachu sucking his dick would do for now. He slid a hand over the blondes hair, pushing his head down further on his dick. Kaminari hated getting choked by dicks, but Izuku could do it no problem. Kaminari would just have to take it for a few minutes.

Kaminari's heart ached as he went down deeper on the purple haired boys cock. Recently, every time they did this, Hitoshi was distant and almost uninterested. Kaminari could feel in his soul that Hitoshi was thinking about someone else. Kaminari couldn't fault him tho, Kaminari wouldn't want him either.

**"Hey Izuku, bend over, I wanna fuck that sweet ass." Ah, there it was. Of course it was Izuku. Kaminari couldn't even be mad, Izuku wasn't even teasing Hitoshi or trying for his attention, and chose everyone else but Hitoshi. Nevertheless, Kaminari pulled down his pants and held onto the desk chair.

"Fuck Izuku, I've wanted to have you under me for so long. Now I finally do." He thrust in, Kaminari screamed. He wasn't prepped. It hurt. His ass was tearing. He could feel it.

"Stop Hitoshi, its too much!" Kaminari said as he tried to push Hitoshi away

"Shh, Izu, you'll be moaning on my cock in a minute or two." Kaminari sobbed.

Until Hitoshi was done, Kaminari stayed underneath him and sobbed, sobbed so much until they turned into quiet whimpers.

"Go clean up Izuku, we will have another round soon." Hitoshi kissed the top of his head**

Kaminari went to the boys bathroom, and started crying, though he was careful to keep it. He would never compare to Izuku, Shinshou proved that to him. But Kaminari didn't have any other friends then Izuku. He couldn't even go to Shinsou about this, seeing as he had caused it. He wiped his ass with a warm wet rag, wincing at the pain. A mixture of blood and cum came out of him, and he let out a wet sob.

Kaminari turned off the light and walked back into the room, and let out a sigh of relief. Hitoshi was asleep in his bed. Kaminari put his clothes back on, wincing and muffleing sounds of pain as he packed up his Switch and grabbed his phone. Three missing texts from Izuku. He walked out of the dorm and pressed the call button.

"Kaminari I was so worried! You didn't answer and then I figured you were busy but your location was off and-" Kaminari cut him off.

"Izuku please come get me from Shinsou's dorm."

For those who skipped the ** part, Shinsou basically was too wrapped into his fantasies that Kaminari was Izuku, and didn't take no for an answer.

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