Chapter Five - Jigsaw

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Drops of sweat pressed behind Mako's scales as she pushed open the door to her GT English class. The teacher, Mrs. Kinkajou, greeted her with a smile and a sing-song, "Hello hello!"

Mako waved with a grin and sat at the back table, a wide birch table that could sit at least six dragons comfortably. Mako pulled out her scroll, the first book in an epic saga about cats that lived in cults in the forest. She could hear talonsteps softly padding into the room and chairs dragging across the floor as everyone sat.

Mako rolled her scroll and set it aside, gazing around the bustling classroom. Dragons of all tribes chattered excitedly, but Mako could tell there was an uneasiness in the room. The tension settled around the room like powdered sugar, threatening to catch someone in the throat.

"So, is anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room," Neon, a RainWing, asked. "Or are we going to keep talking about Jade Mountain bankruptcy and my new boyfriend."

"A boyfriend so soon?" Mako arched a brow.

"You would've known if you were on time." Neon stuck out her tongue teasingly.

Mako snapped her mouth shut, heat creeping up her scales like snakes. Her eyes were wide with embarrassment. "Hey, I was late because I heard about bankruptcy."

Neon tilted her head. "You missed the gong because you were gossiping? It's a rumor."

"Not anymore," Mako replied. "Since the expansions, they're running out of gold. They might go bankrupt within a week of now. They're turning to someone to help, and I may have an idea of who, but I'm not too sure."

Mrs. Kinkajou and Neon were on the edge of their seats, as was Mandrill, who was next to her. Soon, Lizard, Flowerhat, Glace, and Shadow were listening. Then came the whole class. The pressure of their gaze bore into her scales, and Mako flicked her tail nervously.

"Spill the tea," Neon demanded lightly.

"Yeah don't be shy," Glace grinned.

Mako rolled her eyes with a smile and began. "I think the theater dragons will be called for two reasons. A, it's an ensemble effort that demonstrates teamwork. B, tickets cost money. A show of teamwork and more money, both of which Jade Mountain needs. If we can convince people the school is successful, maybe some will be convinced to fund the school."

"Aha!" Mrs. Kinkajou slammed her talons on the table with a lopsided smile. "Smart!"

"Wouldn't they just turn to the queens?" Lizard questioned.

"No, not immediately," Mako explained. "The queens have their own tribes to worry about, and it's stressful enough. And some don't support this school that much. If we can prove this school works and that dragons can work together, maybe we can convince them to help. But we can't do that if we can't show them what we can do."

Before the conversation could carry on, someone pushed open the door. She was an amber and gold SkyWing, the color of melted mangoes. Her extremities faded into a cherry red, and her eyes were a deep ocean blue. Her sharp horns shone like black diamonds as she strode over to Mako's table. She set down her sketchbook, and Glace and Shadow moved to sit at the same table. Mako felt overwhelmed by the sudden mass of dragons.

"Ok guys," Kinkajou announced. "This is our new student, Corvid. Everyone say hi."

The room remained humorously quiet, and Mako almost chuckled out loud. She waved to Corvid with a smile, and she just grinned and went back to drawing.

"Just so you know, the place is haunted." Shadow told Corvid.

"Let's not say that yet!" Mandrill protested, invisible fear behind his eyes. "Last night was scary enough!"

"She's gonna figure it out somehow." Shadow argued.

"Yeah, it's better if she knows beforehand so she doesn't end up like Shadow over here." Glace agreed.

"Oh shut up, silly goose," Shadow yelled mildly, flinging their tail onto the table. It was charred and blackened, scales melded in a darker mass than their normal scales. "I'm proud of this."

"Ew!" Mako squealed in horror. "Does that hurt at all?"

"Heck yeah it does," Shadow boasted. "But Mayfly said it would be fine."

"Look at my scar." Glace rose and spun around, spreading her wings so her spine showed. Tiny scars danced together in a mass of web-like scratches. They dug into the base of her pale twilight wings, which glittered with white scales like scattered snowflakes and stars. Glace sat back in her seat, fixing her silvery white pouch with her talons, which faded from pastel indigo to dark storm gray. "I got it from the chandelier!"

Mandrill lifted his palm to show a deep cut. "I got mine from stepping on one!"

Corvid looked up and adjusted her pouch, which was made of the fur of a mountain goat. A large scar ripped through her chest, obviously made by a dragon's claws. "I got into a fight at my old school and got expelled. It wasn't fair; I was defending myself! And this scar put me in the hospital!"

Mako stared sympathetically at her. "I'm so sorry, Corvid. I... haven't been in that situation before. I was too careful. But you sound really brave! I couldn't defend myself, I let dragons walk all over me a lot."

Corvid nodded. "Don't. Dragons have no right to treat anyone like that. Always stick up for yourself, but maybe don't throw talons that often. Only a last resort." That last bit was threaded with mischief.

"What about you?" Glace was staring at Mako.

"Hm?" Mako blinked.

"Did anything happen to you last night?"

"Um..." Mako brushed her leather pouch away from her scar, which sat at the base of her neck. It raked through her shark-like blue-gray scales and was oddly straight.

"That's the third scar I've seen like that today!" Shadow exclaimed. "Do you think it means anything?"

"I don't know." Mako shrugged. "I was hoping you all had braincells. Any ideas on what it means?"

"I have one!" Maple, a fall colored LeafWing, offered. Her wings flared in excitement at her idea. "Maybe, you're part of a prophecy!"


Everyone's heads perked up. Mako felt churning bubbles of fear in her gut. Who was that?

Their universal question was answered with darkness.

It was like a replay of last night. Nothing could be seen, and Mako's eyes might as well have been closed. Blindly stumbling around, she tried to find another dragon to cling to for support, but was met with empty shadows and blackness. She fell forward onto her face, hitting the ground with a thud. Terror swirled around her stomach, nearly gagging her.

But this time, instead of the crashing of diamond chandeliers or snapping of tables...

The sound of talonsteps.

Mako helplessly darted her dark rain colored eyes around the room, feeling more defenseless than an exposed dragonet in a game of hide-and-seek. She braced herself for a crash...

But was met with a cold talon on her shoulder.

She screamed like a banshee, tensing. She dug her claws into the stone ground, ready for an impact, but instead...

"Help me..."

She whipped her head around to gaze into the fathomless red eyes of a ghost. His translucent form was nearly black and splotched with stone. He stalked forward, agonizingly slowly, a talon pointing at Mako. She could hear the cackling of nearby ghosts.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Mako yowled, clutching her head in terror. The lights flickered on, and the ghost withered away like burning paper. Mako had backed up against Mrs. Kinkajou's desk, and the class was staring at her in confusion. Mako was panting, mind whirling. "Did anyone see that?!"

The class shook their heads in unison, looking as puzzled as she was. They were all stopped by a gong ring. Everyone began to leave, but then...


A second gong ring. An announcement.

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