Prologue - Legacy

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"You are of regal blood."

"Now is not the time for your antics!"

"Stop dancing and study!"

"Less yelling! More training!"

Oh dear moons. Drizzle thought tiredly. Hearing her mother Vaquita roaring at her sister all day usually drained everyone, but unfortunately, it was normal. They had a tradition to follow, since they were related to royalty.

"Were" related to royalty, Drizzle's mind snapped, annoyed. Like we're related now! This was generations ago! And going as far as to naming my younger sister Mako, the one who started this all. CURSE HER! IT'S HER FAULT OUR MOTHER IS SO ROPED ON SUCCESS!

She groaned into her pillow, her claws gouging the sides and letting feathers spill out. She relaxed. Be calm, Drizzle. Mom will find out soon enough that it doesn't matter anymore.

"That what doesn't matter anymore?"

Drizzle craned her neck around to see Mako, her sharky blue-gray scales glistening in the light of the jellyfish tanks.

"The royal blood," she replied flatly. "She needs to understand it ended years back."

Mako giggled and sat on the fluffy dark rug, which was black laced with silvery blue. Drizzle stalked forward and sat in front of her.

"I guess she just wants perfection since daddy died," Mako mumbled, tracing a circle on the carpet with a claw.

That was true. Their father, Otter, had been in a flying accident. He had been trying to fly home fast during a storm, but had been struck down by lightning. And the worst part, it had only happened five years ago, right outside the house. And everyone saw. Even the doctors couldn't save him.

She remembered being only two, crouching over his body, broken and bloodied, charred. His face twisted in pain. She hated seeing her father like that, splashed in scarlet and limp. His eyes had been glazed and his breathing hard and painful, and...

"Are you crying?" Mako asked, snapping Drizzle from her thoughts.

She hadn't noticed, but tears had welled in her eyes. She nodded, distant. "Yeah... It happened when I was two, but I can still never forget..."

Mako stared down at her claws. "I'm sorry... It happened when I was so young, I can barely even remember him. I wish I could share your pain or take it away. I don't like seeing you hurt."

Drizzle sidled next to her sister and put a wing around her, which she felt Mako rest her head on her shoulder.

"Can you tell me more about him?" Mako whispered.

Drizzle nodded. "Well, I remember he always came home, once a week, smelling like monkeys."

Mako laughed hysterically. "Did not!"

Drizzle smirked. "Did too! He traded with RainWings and even brought home a monkey! He named him Yeller and he only lasted a week because he threw poop at us and ran away."

Mako was in tears laughing, and Drizzle could feel herself crack a smile. Drizzle continued.

"Well... and he had a deep voice, like this," Drizzle stood up, but Mako pulled her down and stood up.

Mako spread her wings. "Like this? Hello, I'm Otter and I smell like monkey." The deep voice was accurate enough, and earned a cackle from Drizzle.

"Yes, perfect," Drizzle clapped her talons.

Mako lifted her chin with a dramatic, rich hmmph and proudly strode to sit down.

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