'This is the best day and birthday ever.'

Everything turned out better than they thought it'd be. His hand reached to her cheek, his thumb began to caress it. But his face was closer than usual. Marinette felt herself being drawn even closer too, she wanted to close the gap between them already. His lips parted as his eyes fell down to her own pink lips-

"What are you two doing?" Adrien flinched, he flinched so hard that the two teenagers fell off the rocks and into the water. Once they made it back up, Adrien immediately glared at her. "LILA! You can't just sneak up on us like that! We almost drowned!" He didn't think twice before he yelled. Lila stayed there upset but soon angry. "Or are you just mad because you didn't get to kiss M-" "No. She's just a friend." He blurted out without thinking.

A sharp pain peirced through her chest after hearing those words again.

'Is he being serious?!'

Lila grinned and swam towards him to wrap her hand around his free one. "We're gonna go play some games I made up, wanna join?" "..Sure." And there he goes again, being the kind sweet boy to a selfish b¡tch like her. Lila rolled her eyes after they've landed on Marinette. Something seemed off. Usually she'd fake a smile or something but now she was acting completely different.

'Was it because she saw him with me?? Fuck my heart hurts..'


Marinette was now sitting in a circle with her classmates in the sand. And of course, Adrien had sat beside her but he'd stopped holding her hand which concerned her. The whole day he'd been holding it, even if they weren't walking he'd still hold it but now things changed and it was really worrying her.

Was he regretting what happened when they were alone?

Alya sat on the other side with Juleka, Rose and Ivan. Nathaniel sat with Mylene and Chloe, Lila beside Nino. Lila cleared her throat, "Okay! So we are going to play spin the bottle, that is why we are sitting far from Mrs.Bustier so she doesn't see us." She indicated. "Uh sorry but I can't play this. I have a girlfriend." Nino looked accross the circle, unable to articulate the weird idea. "It doesn't matter Nino it's okay." He blinked a couple times, not believing what his girlfriend had said.

"Uh okay?" He tried to shake away the feeling. Marinette caved in to her own thoughts.

'So she wants to play spin the bottle? Needless to say, she's only doing it just to get a chance to kiss Adrien. How much more obvious can she be? Does she just want to get on my nerves? Could she be jealous? H!ll yeah she is-'

Her musings were interrupted by Adrien raising his cuffed hand. "Yes?" Lila answered him. "What is spin the bottle?" The clueless boy questioned, everyone astounded by his behavior. "You don't know what that is?!" Ivan yowled. He slowly shook his head in response.

"Chill out Ivan! Of course he doesn't know, he's never really had friends-" Nino gave Chloe a scummy look. "You don't have to do my dude like that." He threatened. "No worries! I will teach you Adrikins!" Chloe soon offered. "Let's just get on with it, Adrien just watch as we go okay?" Lila batted her lashes at him and smiled in a way flirty way, Marinette cringed. Lila setted the empty glass champagne bottle in the middle of the circle.

Rose brows furrowed. "Uh where the heck did you get that?" "From the chefs, anyway, so who's going first?" "I will!" Chloe volunteered, snatching the bottle afterwards. Marinette stared at her vacantly. Chloe placed it back down in front of her, with a twist of her fingers, the bottle spinned repeatedly. Soon it came to a stop, she traced the bottle to spot Nathaniel on her opposite side.

Stuck with you || Adrienette {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now